我正在使用Core Plot在我的應用程序中顯示圖形,並且我希望縮放縮放功能可獨立縮放X和Y軸。當縮放縮放時,手勢應該生成一個X座標分量和一個Y座標分量,它們應該以不同的方式縮放座標軸。使用Core Plot獨立(非均勻)縮放X和Y軸
If the user's two fingers are on a straight vertical line, the graph should only be scaled on the Y axis.
If the user's two fingers are on a straight horizontal line, the graph should only be scaled on the X axis.
If the user's two fingers are on a straight line between 01.30 and 07.30 on a Clock (45 degrees), the graph should be scaled equally on the X and Y axis - I hope you get the idea.