2014-02-28 37 views





rootUri <- "http://donttreadonme.co.uk" 

doc <- htmlParse(paste0(rootUri, "/rubinius/index.html")) 

links <- xpathSApply(doc, "//a/@href") 

links <- grep("rubinius/2014", links, value = TRUE) 
links <- gsub("..", "", links, fixed = TRUE) 

messages <- lapply(links[1:5], function(l) { 
    doc <- htmlParse(paste0(rootUri, l)) 
    readHTMLTable(doc, which = 1, header = FALSE) 

messages <- do.call(rbind, messages) 

##    V1   V2 
## href.1 00:33:57  travis-ci 
## href.2 05:04:23  travis-ci 
## href.3 05:27:44  travis-ci 
## href.4 10:00:59 yorickpeterse 
## href.5 13:23:36 yorickpeterse 
## href.6 13:23:53 yorickpeterse 
##                       V3 
## href.1  [travis-ci] rubinius/rubinius/master (fcc5b8c - Brian Shirai): The build passed. 
## href.2 [travis-ci] rubinius/rubinius/master (901a6bc - Brian Shirai): The build was broken. 
## href.3 [travis-ci] rubinius/rubinius/master (5cffe7b - Brian Shirai): The build was fixed. 
## href.4                    morning 
## href.5   oh what the fuck RubyGems, why do you need the ext builder during runtime? 
## href.6        this better not be because I forgot --rubygems ignore