$scope.up = function(){
if(s_session != null){ // check user is logged in or not
data.getUserData().success(function(userData){ // get user data
$scope.a = data1.votes.up; // this is the data from database
// is a list of username that who voted this post
$scope.b = userData.publicUsername.display;// this is the current username
if($scope.a.indexOf($scope.b) == -1){ //check this username whether is in
// the list if -1 mean not
$scope.user ={};
$scope.user = userData;
$scope.user.permalink = $routeParams.permalink;
$http.post('/contentHandler/post/vote/up',$scope.user). // perform upvote
success(function(updatedData) {
}else{ //else remove upvote
$scope.user ={};
$scope.user = userData;
$scope.user.permalink = $routeParams.permalink;
success(function(Data) {
$location.path('/login'); //redirect to login if not logged in
使用標誌變量。像'$ scope.clicked =!$ scope.clicked;如果($ scope.clicked){// dosomething}' – Satpal