2014-01-20 53 views







JHelp helpViewer = null; 
try { 
    // Get the classloader of this class. 
    ClassLoader cl = JavaHelpTest.class.getClassLoader(); 
    // Use the findHelpSet method of HelpSet to create a URL referencing the helpset file. 
    // Note that in this example the location of the helpset is implied as being in the same 
    // directory as the program by specifying "jhelpset.hs" without any directory prefix, 
    // this should be adjusted to suit the implementation. 
    URL url = HelpSet.findHelpSet(cl, "jhelpset.hs"); 
    // Create a new JHelp object with a new HelpSet. 
    helpViewer = new JHelp(new HelpSet(cl, url)); 


JHelp helpViewer = null; 
try { 
    // Get the class loader of the shared directory. Note that directories are 
    // required to have a trailing '/' or '\'. 
    ClassLoader cl = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] {new URL("file:///path/to/share/")}); 
    // Use the findHelpSet method of HelpSet to create a URL referencing the helpset file. 
    // Note that in this example the location of the helpset is implied as being in the same 
    // directory as the program by specifying "jhelpset.hs" without any directory prefix, 
    // this should be adjusted to suit the implementation. 
    URL url = HelpSet.findHelpSet(cl, "jhelpset.hs"); 
    // Create a new JHelp object with a new HelpSet. 
    helpViewer = new JHelp(new HelpSet(cl, url)); 

Thx,它的工作原理。請注意,URLClassLoader正在等待一組URL。 – Zardo


@Zardo謝謝,我已經更新了答案,我還沒有編譯它,但現在看起來好多了。 –
