2014-03-19 217 views


(function($) { 

var settings = { 
     'promoid': 'promo', 
     'selectorid': 'promoselector', 
     'promoanimation': 'fade', 
     'timeout': 4500, 
     'speed': 'slow', 
     'go': 'true', 
     'timeoutname': 'promotimeout' 

$.fn.promofade = function(options) { 
    settings.promoid = $(this).attr("id"); 

    return this.each(function() { 
     $.promofade(this, options); 

$.promofade = function(container, options) { 

    if (options) { 
     $.extend(settings, options); 

    var elements = $("#" + settings.promoid).children(); 
    var selectors = $("#" + settings.selectorid).children(); 

    if (elements.length != selectors.length) { alert("Selector length does not match."); } 

    if (settings.go == 'true') 
     settings.timeoutname = setTimeout(function() { 
       $.promofade.next(elements, selectors, 1, 0); 
       }, settings.timeout); 
    } else { 

$.promofade.next = function(elements, selectors, current, last) { 

    if (settings.promoanimation == 'fade') 
    } else if (settings.promoanimation == 'slide') { 
     // This creates a 'slide gap', where they havent crossed yet, causing a blank spot 
     // TODO: fix! 

    //$(selectors[current]).attr("class", "on"); 

    // They are both the same length so we only calculate for one 
    if ((current + 1) < elements.length) { 
     current = current + 1; 
     last = current - 1; 
    } else { 
     current = 0; 
     last = elements.length - 1; 

    if (settings.go == 'true') 
     settings.timeoutname = setTimeout(function() { 
      $.promofade.next(elements, selectors, current, last); 
     }, settings.timeout); 
    } else { 


<div id="fader"> 
    <a href="#"><img src="#" alt='#'/></a> 
    <a href="#"><img src="#" alt='#'/></a> 
    <a href="#"><img src="#" alt='#'/></a> 




(function($) { 

    var settings = { 
      'promoid': 'promo', 
      'selectorid': 'promoselector', 
      'promoanimation': 'fade', 
      'firstslidetimeout':2000, //apply this during $.promofade only 
      'timeout': 4500, 
      'speed': 'slow', 
      'go': 'true', 
      'timeoutname': 'promotimeout' 

    $.fn.promofade = function(options) { 
     settings.promoid = $(this).attr("id"); 

     return this.each(function() { 
      $.promofade(this, options); 

    $.promofade = function(container, options) { 

     if (options) { 
      $.extend(settings, options); 

     var elements = $("#" + settings.promoid).children(); 
     var selectors = $("#" + settings.selectorid).children(); 

     if (elements.length != selectors.length) { alert("Selector length does not match."); } 

     if (settings.go == 'true') 
      settings.timeoutname = setTimeout(function() { 
        $.promofade.next(elements, selectors, 1, 0); 
        }, settings.timeout + settings.firstslidetimeout); 
     } else { 

    $.promofade.next = function(elements, selectors, current, last) { 

     if (settings.promoanimation == 'fade') 
     } else if (settings.promoanimation == 'slide') { 
      // This creates a 'slide gap', where they havent crossed yet, causing a blank spot 
      // TODO: fix! 

     //$(selectors[current]).attr("class", "on"); 

     // They are both the same length so we only calculate for one 
     if ((current + 1) < elements.length) { 
      current = current + 1; 
      last = current - 1; 
     } else { 
      current = 0; 
      last = elements.length - 1; 

     if (settings.go == 'true') 
      settings.timeoutname = setTimeout(function() { 
       $.promofade.next(elements, selectors, current, last); 
      }, settings.timeout); 

     } else { 

不能相信我沒有甚至,謝謝! –


@JustinClarke這隻會讓滑塊第一次迭代的時間更長,如果您需要延長每次迭代的超時時間,請考慮我的答案。 –



(function ($) { 
    var settings = { 
     'promoid': 'promo', 
     'selectorid': 'promoselector', 
     'promoanimation': 'fade', 
     'timeout': 4500, 
     'firstAdditionalTimeout': 4500, 
     'speed': 'slow', 
     'go': 'true', 
     'timeoutname': 'promotimeout' 

    $.fn.promofade = function (options) { 
     settings.promoid = $(this).attr("id"); 
     return this.each(function() { 
      $.promofade(this, options); 

    $.promofade = function (container, options) { 
     if (options) { 
      $.extend(settings, options); 
     var elements = $("#" + settings.promoid).children(); 
     var selectors = $("#" + settings.selectorid).children(); 
     //if (elements.length != selectors.length) { 
     // alert("Selector length does not match."); 
     if (settings.go == 'true') { 
      settings.timeoutname = setTimeout(function() { 
       $.promofade.next(elements, selectors, 1, 0); 
      }, settings.timeout + settings.firstAdditionalTimeout); // here 
     } else { 

    $.promofade.next = function (elements, selectors, current, last) { 

     if (settings.promoanimation == 'fade') { 
     } else if (settings.promoanimation == 'slide') { 
      // This creates a 'slide gap', where they havent crossed yet, causing a blank spot 
      // TODO: fix! 

     //$(selectors[current]).attr("class", "on"); 

     // They are both the same length so we only calculate for one 
     if ((current + 1) < elements.length) { 
      current = current + 1; 
      last = current - 1; 
     } else { 
      current = 0; 
      last = elements.length - 1; 

     if (settings.go == 'true') { 
      settings.timeoutname = setTimeout(function() { 
       $.promofade.next(elements, selectors, current, last); 
      }, current == 1 ? (settings.timeout + settings.firstAdditionalTimeout) : settings.timeout); // and here 
     } else { 