在函數中,我需要檢查一個(div,span,p)是否包含任何.html元素,然後再嘗試刪除html並添加新內容。如何在刪除前檢查元素是否含有HTML? jQuery
// HERE below I tried to do a check to see if the div's have HTML, but did not work
if ($('.'+rowName+' div').html) {
$('.'+rowName+' div').html.remove();
$('.'+rowName+' span').html.remove();
$('.'+rowName+' p').html.remove();
// Create the Role/Fan rows
function rowMaker (rowName, roleName) {
//alert(rowName+' '+roleName);
// HERE below I tried to do a check to see if the div's have HTML, but did not work
if ($('.'+rowName+' div').html) {
$('.'+rowName+' div').html.remove();
$('.'+rowName+' span').html.remove();
$('.'+rowName+' p').html.remove();
// Blue button
$('.'+rowName+' div').append(roleName);
$('.'+rowName+' div').attr('id', 'blue-fan-'+roleName);
var blueButton = ('blue-fan-'+roleName);
console.log('blueButton = '+blueButton);
// Genres
$('.'+rowName+' span').append(roleType);
// Tags
$.each(role_Actor, function(index, item) {
$('.'+rowName+' p').append(item+', ');
$('#'+blueButton).click(function() {
console.log('clicked blue button');
// clears the role_Actor to be used to recapture checkboxes
role_Actor = [];
console.log('role_Actor = '+role_Actor);
return false;
如果元素有HTML,如果你只是要刪除它,它真的很重要嗎?爲什麼不直接用['.html'](http://api.jquery.com/html)替換內容? – 2013-04-05 02:27:31
哦,因爲有些用戶會按下該按鈕,啓動該功能,藍色按鈕還沒有創建...所以沒有任何.html刪除和拋出和控制檯上的錯誤:(可能而不是刪除是否有某種明確的呼叫,我可以做?現在看嗯 – 2013-04-05 02:28:45