使用AppleScript? :-D
首先,在AppleScript編輯器中,打開「首選項」窗口並單擊選項Show Script menu in menu bar
然後從屏幕右上方的腳本菜單項中選擇Open Scripts Folder
創建一個新的AppleScript .scptd與下面的腳本文件:
tell application "AppleScript Editor"
set string_ to text of first document
-- make a list with each line of the script
set stringLines to paragraphs of string_
set originalDelims to AppleScript's text item delimiters
-- add newlines
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "\\n"
-- now combine the items in the list using newlines
set stringNewlines to stringLines as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "\""
set stringNewlines to text items of stringNewlines
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "\\\""
set stringNewlines to stringNewlines as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to originalDelims
set stringNewlines to "@\"" & stringNewlines & "\""
set the clipboard to stringNewlines
end tell
@"tell application \"Terminal\"\n activate\n set currentTab to do script \"1\"\n do script \"2\" in currentTab\n do script \"3\" in currentTab\n do script \"4\" in currentTab\n delay 0.5\n tell application \"Finder\" to set visible of process \"Terminal\" to false\nend tell\n"
謝謝您的幫助是花了一段時間,我最終得到由小破它,它在可可應用工作並且將applescript語法寫出來。我不僅僅使用applescript文件的唯一原因是我需要根據給出的信息動態地改變發送到終端窗口的行。到目前爲止,它的工作,我剛剛得到其他問題來解決大聲笑!感謝NSString系列,我會檢查它,看看它是否適用於我正在做的事情。我真的不知道你可以用蘋果做這一切,這將有助於很多 – Kyle