所以我有一個問題,當我添加一個新的節點到列表中時,我的頭節點發生了變化。我必須從文件中讀取多行。每條線將成爲函數f(x)= ...並且節點是函數中的奇異表達式,因此節點1例如可以是25x^2並且節點2可以是15x。所以我的Node類保存係數,所以對於節點1它將是25,並且指數x到達。這是導致我認爲的問題的代碼段。C++鏈接列表
Node* n = new Node();
List nodeList;
while(not at the end of line)
//This while loop just inputs from file, and stores values into Node class.
if(!nodeList.getHead()) //so this is first node being input.
//i collect the values for coefficient and exponent here...
else //so this is not the first node in the list.
//i collect the values for coefficient and exponent again here...
//After this code below, the head node changes to n's coef and exp.
//I know this is because n is still pointing at the head node
//but I keep getting runtime errors when trying to fix this.
這是我的一覽:: insertNode(節點* N)類:
void List::insertNode(Node* n){
//if theres no head node, just set it to the n node and continue.
if (!head)
head = n;
Node* ptr = head; //used to traverse through list.
bool likeTerms = false;
while(ptr) //This while loop checks to make sure theres no like terms.
if (ptr->getExp() == n->getExp()){
likeTerms = true;
ptr = ptr->getNext();
//If they aren't like terms, just add the node to the end.
if (!likeTerms){
ptr = head;
while(ptr->getNext() != NULL)
ptr = ptr->getNext(); //traverses to the last node in list.
ptr->setNext(n); //Adds the new node to the spot after the last node
else if (likeTerms == true)//If the x exponents have like terms,
//then just combine them.
感謝您在改進我的代碼方面的幫助。我一定會仔細研究一下。但我發現了這個問題。我的問題措辭不佳,但基本上我只創建了一個節點,並試圖將同一節點添加到列表中,但每次都使用不同的值。我用nodeList.insertNode(new Node(coef,exp,NULL))替換了nodeList.insertNode(n);這一行,而不是Node * n。 – CMW
歡迎您。我太關注代碼的簡化了,只是簡單地將代碼'Node * n = new Node;'放在while循環中,沒有任何解釋或評論。因此,我不直接回答你的問題。 – Kai