2016-05-23 61 views





#include "jsoncpp.cpp" 
#include <stdio.h> 
#include "json.h" 
#include <iostream> 
#include <fstream> 
#include <string> 
#include <cstdio> 
#include <cstring> 
#include <unistd.h> 
#include <dirent.h> 
#include <vector> 

using namespace std; 

vector<string> results;    // holds search results 

// recursive search algorithm 
void search(string curr_directory, string extension){ 

    DIR* dir_point = opendir(curr_directory.c_str()); 
    dirent* entry = readdir(dir_point); 
    while (entry){         // if !entry then end of directory 
     if (entry->d_type == DT_DIR){    // if entry is a directory 
      string fname = entry->d_name; 
      if (fname != "." && fname != "..") 
       search(entry->d_name, extension); // search through it 
     else if (entry->d_type == DT_REG){  // if entry is a regular file 
      string fname = entry->d_name; // filename 
               // if filename's last characters are extension 
      if (fname.find(extension, (fname.length() - extension.length())) != string::npos) 
       results.push_back(fname);  // add filename to results vector 
     entry = readdir(dir_point); 


int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 

// read Files list 

    string extension; // type of file to search for 
    extension = "json"; 

    // setup search parameters 
    string curr_directory = "/Users/ITSGC_Ready2Go/3dMap"; 

    search(curr_directory, extension); 

// loop over files 
    //if (results.size()){ 
    //std::cout << results.size() << " files were found:" << std::endl; 
    for (unsigned int z = 0; z < results.size(); ++z){ // used unsigned to appease compiler warnings 

// Opening the file using ifstream function from fstream library 
    cout <<results[z].c_str()<<endl; 
    Json::Value obj; 
    Json::Reader reader; 

    ifstream test(results[z].c_str()); 
    //test.open (results[z].c_str(), std::fstream::in); 

// Selection objects inside the file 


    //test >> obj; 

// Parsing ID object and returning its value as integer  
    // cout << "id :" << stoi(obj["id"].asString()) <<endl; 

// Parsing Line object with its internal objects 

    const Json::Value& lines = obj["lines"]; 

    for (int i=0; i<lines.size();i++){ 

    cout << "index : " << i << endl; 
    cout << "id:" << lines[i]["id"].asString() <<endl; 
    cout << "type:" << lines[i]["type"].asString() <<endl; 
    cout << "function:" << lines[i]["function"].asString() <<endl; 
    cout << "color:" << lines[i]["color"].asString() <<endl; 

    const Json::Value& poly = lines[i]["polyPoints"]; 

    for (int j=0; j<poly.size();j++){ 

    cout << "batch#"<<j<<endl; 
    cout << "latitude" << poly[j]["latitude"].asFloat()<<endl; 
    cout << "longitude" << poly[j]["longitude"].asFloat()<<endl; 
    cout << "altitude" << poly[j]["altitude"].asFloat()<<endl; 



// Reading the OccupancyGrid object 

// OccupancyGrid object is copied into constant to parse the arrays inside 

    const Json::Value& occupancyGrid = obj["occupancyGrid"]; 
    cout << occupancyGrid.size() <<endl; 

// The size of occupancyGrid is the used as number of iterations (#of rows) 

    for (int l=0; l<occupancyGrid.size();l++){ 

// Arrays inside occupancyGrid are copied into constant to parse the elements inside each array 

    const Json::Value& element = occupancyGrid[l]; 

// iterations over the size of the array in order to parse every element 

     cout << "row" << l << "--> "; 
     for (int k=0;k<element.size();k++){ 

      cout << element[k].asFloat(); 
      if(k<element.size()-1){ cout<< ",";} 

     cout << endl; 

// Parsing roadSigns object as found in the file 
// Need to understand the difference between format in the mail and the 1456 file 

    const Json::Value& roadsigns = obj["roadSigns"]; 

    cout << "ArrayType: " << roadsigns["_ArrayType_"].asString()<<endl; 

    const Json::Value& ArraySize = roadsigns["_ArraySize_"]; 

    for(int t=0;t<ArraySize.size();t++){ 

    cout << ArraySize[t].asInt(); 
    if (t<ArraySize.size()-1){ cout << " , ";} 


    cout<< endl; 

    if (roadsigns["_ArrayData_"].asString().empty()) { 
    cout << "ArrayData: "<<roadsigns["_ArrayData_"].asFloat(); } 

    else { cout << "ArrayData: empty "; } 
    cout <<endl; 

    cout << "Done" << endl; 
    cout << "...." << endl; 
    cout << "...." << endl; 

    // std::cout << "No files ending in '" << extension << "' were found." << std::endl; 




如果無法訪問JSON庫我幫不了你太多,但對於潛在崩潰的第一個明顯的地方是if (fname.find(extension, (fname.length() - extension.length())) != string::npos)。在進行該呼叫之前,您需要確保您的文件名比分機的大小更長。



謝謝你是對的,當我改變獲取文件名的方式開始正常工作。但現在我怎樣才能迭代目錄中的一組文件? – Mohamed