2017-05-11 79 views

因此,在此提供一個上下文值得一點點歷史。本地刪除分支後git fetch無法工作



git pull (or git pull --force, etc) 


[email protected]:~/test.myserver.com$ git pull 
remote: Counting objects: 5, done. 
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (5/5), done. 
remote: Total 5 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0 
Unpacking objects: 100% (5/5), done. 
From github.com:ykgw/myrepository 
+ 6ef07eb...9883f8a feature/558-add-preview-button -> origin/feature/558-add-preview-button (forced update) 
Auto-merging app/api/NodesController.php 
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in app/api/NodesController.php 
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result. 

[email protected]:~/test.myserver.com$ git checkout master 
app/api/NodesController.php: needs merge 
error: you need to resolve your current index first 
[email protected]:~/test.myserver.com$ git pull --force 
U app/api/NodesController.php 
Pull is not possible because you have unmerged files. 
Please, fix them up in the work tree, and then use 'git add/rm <file>' 
                    as appropriate to mark resolution, or use 'git commit -a'. 

我終於可以切換到主站和刪除有問題的分支,但隨後git fetch沒有表現出我想拉下乾淨的分支。我該如何讓測試服務器在repo中重新識別它?


查看該文件的衝突,解決它們並提交。然後你可以再次拉動 –


說明正確的位於底部。 '拉不可能,因爲你有沒有合併的文件。請修正它們在工作樹中,然後根據需要使用'git add/rm '來標記分辨率,或使用'git commit -a'。但這聽起來像是你之後做了一些事情,並沒有顯示出來。 – Schwern



當您告訴它時,Git只會與遠程服務器通話。因此,它會將遠程存儲庫的副本保留在「遠程跟蹤分支」中。 origin/master是遠程追蹤分支,它是來自遠程originmaster的副本。


git fetch不接觸本地分支,它更新遠程跟蹤分支。基本上它會更新你對遙控器的看法。因此git fetch將更新origin/master,但它不會將這些更新合併到master,也不會創建master

您需要git pull才能更新您的本地分行。 git pull origin master基本上是git fetch origin + git merge origin/master


更像'git fetch origin master' +'git merge FETCH_HEAD'。只有被合併的分支被提取。 – Vampire