2014-12-23 60 views

我試過在互聯網上閱讀這些內容,但這裏是我的問題。我給了一串雙字。x86 Asm插入排序

我在遞減順序從這些雙字的低字(至少顯著)將字符串訂購。高級詞彙保持不變。 對於例如:DY 12345678h 1256ABCDh,12AB4344h ,結果將是1234ABCDh,12565678h,12AB4344h。

現在我盡我所能寫了一些代碼,但它不能正常工作,我的插入過程。如果你可以看一看,並告訴我我做錯了什麼,我會很棒。 我試着在TD模式下運行它,但我無法弄清楚。

assume cs:code, ds:data 
data segment 
    s dd 12345678h, 1256ABCDh, 12AB4344h 
    ls equ ($-s)/4 ;this is supposed to be the length of my source string 
    d dd ls dup (?) ;this is my destination string 
    aux dw ? 
    aux2 dw ? 
data ends 

code segment 
insert proc 
    push di ;here I use the stack to get more free registers 
    push cx 
    cmp di, offset d ;if di=offset d it means that I didn't store any number yet 
    je addPrim 
    std ;we plan on working form right to left on the string for the next part 
    mov cx, di 
    sub cx, offset d ;here I find out with how many words I have to compare the word from AX 
    dec di 
    dec di ;since I work with doublewords, for some reason I thought I should decrease di 
    dec di ;3 times but here my procedure gets fuzzy and doesn't work properly anymore 
    repeta1: ;this repeat is supposed to compare the word from AX with the rest of the least 
     scasw ;significant words from es:di 
     jge DIplus2 ;if my number from AX is bigger or equal than what's in es:di, I increment 
;di twice and store it 
     mov bx, word ptr es:[di+1] ;this part is supposed to interchange words but it's not 
;working how I planned so I don't know how to change it 
     mov word ptr es:[di+2], bx 
     loop repeta1 

    jmp DIplus1 

     inc di 

     inc di 

    addPrim: ;this label just adds the first word in the destination string 

    pop cx 
    pop di 
    inc di 
    inc di 
    insert endp 

    mov ax, data 
    mov ds, ax 
    mov es, ax 
    mov si, offset s 
    mov di, offset d 
    mov cx, ls ; store in cx the length of the strings 
    jcxz exit 

    lodsw ;because of little endian, my first word will be my least significant word in the 
;in the doubleword so right after it is moved in ax, i apply the procedure insert 
    call insert 
    lodsw ;here it moves in ax my most significan word in the dd, so i auto store it 
    stosw ;in my destination string 
    loop repeta 

    mov ax, 4c00h 
    int 21h 

code ends 
end start 


ls equ ($-s)/4 ;this is supposed to be the length of my source string 


mov cx, di 
sub cx, offset d ;here I find out with how many words ... 

在你插入PROC的第二次調用這將設置CX = 4只給出3個值的列表,這是太大了。我建議你用CX除以4.

dec di 
dec di ;since I work with doublewords... 
dec di ;3 times but here my procedure gets fuzzy 

這肯定是錯誤的。 SCASW表示你要麼減少4,要麼不減少!

mov bx, word ptr es:[di+1] ;this part is supposed to interchange words... 
mov word ptr es:[di+2], bx 


jmp DIplus1 



Ooo謝謝!我修好了,它現在工作正常^ _ ^是的,我以前用scasw工作過,但是我把它改成了cmp,然後不再需要DI增量了。非常感謝。 – Katie44