2012-11-26 61 views


輸出最終成爲: 49 + 62 * 61-36 15.666666666666668 4/64 15.666666666666668 (53 + 26) 15.666666666666668 0 * 72 15.666666666666668 21-85 + 75-85 15.666666666666668 90 * 76-50 + 67 15.666666666666668 46 * 89-15 15.666666666666668 34/83-38 15.666666666666668 七十六分之二十○/ 14 + 92-15 15.666666666666668 5 * 10/3-1 15.666666666666668






import java.util.Iterator; 
import java.util.NoSuchElementException; 

public class myStack<Item> implements Iterable<Item> { 
private int N; // size of the stack 
private Node first; // top of stack 

private class Node { 
    private Item item; 
    private Node next; 

* Create an empty stack. 
public myStack() { 
    first = null; 
    N = 0; 
    assert check(); 

public boolean isEmpty() { 
    return first == null; 

public int size() { 
    return N; 

public void push(Item item) { 
    Node oldfirst = first; 
    first = new Node(); 
    first.item = item; 
    first.next = oldfirst; 
    assert check(); 

public Item pop() { 
    if (isEmpty()) 
     throw new NoSuchElementException("Stack underflow"); 
    Item item = first.item; // save item to return 
    first = first.next; // delete first node 
    assert check(); 
    return item; // return the saved item 

public Item peek() { 
    if (isEmpty()) 
     throw new NoSuchElementException("Stack underflow"); 
    return first.item; 

public String toString() { 
    StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); 
    for (Item item : this) 
     s.append(item + " "); 
    return s.toString(); 

// check internal invariants 
private boolean check() { 
    if (N == 0) { 
     if (first != null) 
      return false; 
    } else if (N == 1) { 
     if (first == null) 
      return false; 
     if (first.next != null) 
      return false; 
    } else { 
     if (first.next == null) 
      return false; 

    // check internal consistency of instance variable N 
    int numberOfNodes = 0; 
    for (Node x = first; x != null; x = x.next) { 
    if (numberOfNodes != N) 
     return false; 

    return true; 

public Object[] toArray(String[] elementData) { 
    return (Object[]) elementData.clone(); 

public Iterator<Item> iterator() { 
    return new ListIterator(); 

// did not implement remove as it was not needed 
private class ListIterator implements Iterator<Item> { 
    private Node current = first; 

    public boolean hasNext() { 
     return current != null; 

    public void remove() { 
     throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); 

    public Item next() { 
     if (!hasNext()) 
      throw new NoSuchElementException(); 
     Item item = current.item; 
     current = current.next; 
     return item; 


import java.util.Arrays; 

public class myArrayList<Item>{ 

private Object[] myStore; 
private int actSize = 0; 

public myArrayList() { 
    myStore = new Object[100]; 

public Object get(int index) { 
    if (index < actSize) { 
     return myStore[index]; 
    } else { 
     throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(); 
public void add(Object obj) { 
    if (myStore.length - actSize <= 0) { 
    myStore[actSize++] = obj; 

public Object remove(int index) { 
    if (index < actSize) { 
     Object obj = myStore[index]; 
     myStore[index] = null; 
     int tmp = index; 
     while (tmp < actSize) { 
      myStore[tmp] = myStore[tmp + 1]; 
      myStore[tmp + 1] = null; 
     return obj; 
    } else { 
     throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(); 


public int size() { 
    return actSize; 

private void increaseListSize() { 
    myStore = Arrays.copyOf(myStore, myStore.length * 2); 

public <T> T[] toArray(T[] a) { 
    if (a.length < size()) 
     // Make a new array of a's runtime type, but my contents: 
     return (T[]) Arrays.copyOf(myStore, size(), a.getClass()); 
    System.arraycopy(myStore, 0, a, 0, size()); 
    if (a.length > size()) 
     a[size()] = null; 
    return a; 



import java.io.BufferedReader; 
import java.io.File; 
import java.io.FileReader; 
import java.io.IOException; 
import java.util.Arrays; 
import java.util.HashMap; 
import java.util.Map; 
import java.util.StringTokenizer; 

public class TestClass { 

private static final int LEFT_ASSOC = 0; 
private static final int RIGHT_ASSOC = 1; 
static String OPERATORS1 = "+-*/()"; 

// Operators 
private static final Map<String, int[]> OPERATORS = new HashMap<String, int[]>(); 
static { 
    // Map<"token", []{precedence, associativity}> 
    OPERATORS.put("+", new int[] { 0, LEFT_ASSOC }); 
    OPERATORS.put("-", new int[] { 0, LEFT_ASSOC }); 
    OPERATORS.put("*", new int[] { 5, LEFT_ASSOC }); 
    OPERATORS.put("/", new int[] { 5, LEFT_ASSOC }); 
    OPERATORS.put("(", new int[] {1, LEFT_ASSOC}); 
    OPERATORS.put(")", new int[] {1, LEFT_ASSOC}); 

private static boolean isOperator(String token) { 
    return OPERATORS.containsKey(token); 

// Test associativity of operator token 
private static boolean isAssociative(String token, int type) { 
    if (!isOperator(token)) { 
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid token: " + token); 

    if (OPERATORS.get(token)[1] == type) { 
     return true; 
    return false; 

// Compare precedence of operators. 
private static final int cmpPrecedence(String token1, String token2) { 
    if (!isOperator(token1) || !isOperator(token2)) { 
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid tokens: " + token1 
       + " " + token2); 
    return OPERATORS.get(token1)[0] - OPERATORS.get(token2)[0]; 

public static String[] infixToRPN(String[] inputTokens) { 
    myArrayList<String> out = new myArrayList<String>(); 
    myStack<String> stack = new myStack<String>(); 
    // For each token 
    for (String token : inputTokens) { 
     StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(token,OPERATORS1,true); 
     while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { 
      token = tokens.nextToken(); 

      // If token is an operator 
      if (isOperator(token)) { 
       // While stack not empty AND stack top element 
       // is an operator 
       while (!stack.isEmpty() && isOperator(stack.peek())) { 
        if ((isAssociative(token, LEFT_ASSOC) && cmpPrecedence(
          token, stack.peek()) <= 0) 
          || (isAssociative(token, RIGHT_ASSOC) && cmpPrecedence(
            token, stack.peek()) < 0)) { 
       // Push the new operator on the stack 
      // If token is a left bracket '(' 
      else if (token.equals("(")) { 
      // If token is a right bracket ')' 
      else if (token.equals(")")) { 
       while (!stack.isEmpty() && !stack.peek().equals("(")) { 
      // If token is a number 
      else { 
     while (!stack.isEmpty()) { 
    String[] output = new String[out.size()]; 
    return out.toArray(output); 

public static double RPNtoDouble(String[] tokens) { 
    myStack<String> stack = new myStack<String>(); 

    // For each token 

    for (String token : tokens) { 
     //System.out.println("Working this token: " + token); 
     // If the token is a value push it onto the stack 
     if (!isOperator(token)) { 
     } else { 
      // Token is an operator: pop top two entries 
      Double d2 = Double.valueOf(stack.pop()); 
      Double d1 = Double.valueOf(stack.pop()); 

      // Get the result 
      Double result = token.compareTo("+") == 0 ? d1 + d2 : token 
        .compareTo("-") == 0 ? d1 - d2 
          : token.compareTo("*") == 0 ? d1 * d2 : d1/d2; 

      // Push result onto stack 

    return Double.valueOf(stack.pop()); 

static public void main(String[] args) throws IOException { 
    File file = new File("testEquations.txt"); 
    String[] lines = new String[1]; 

    try { 
     FileReader reader = new FileReader(file); 
     BufferedReader buffReader = new BufferedReader(reader); 
     int x = 0; 
     String s; 
     while ((s = buffReader.readLine()) != null) { 
      lines[x] = s; 
    } catch (IOException e) { 
    // test printing string array 
    for (String s : lines) { 
     System.out.println("" + s); 
     String[] output =infixToRPN(lines); 




@gobernador你說得對。我錯過了那個細節。 – luiscubal




String[] lines = new String[1]; 

    try { 
     FileReader reader = new FileReader(file); 
     BufferedReader buffReader = new BufferedReader(reader); 
     int x = 0; 
     String s; 
     while ((s = buffReader.readLine()) != null) { 
      lines[x] = s; 

您可以定義size = 1的字符串數組,但如果x離開此數組的邊界,則不檢查循環內部。


int Size = // define the size..; 
String[] lines = new String[Size]; 
while (x < Size && (s = buffReader.readLine()) != null)) { 
      lines[x] = s; 
當你的X becames更大然後大小

x < Size將評估錯誤,從而走出循環。

拋出,表明數組已用非法 索引訪問:

你得到ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException異常錯誤的關於一個。該索引或者是負值,或者大於或等於該陣列的大小 。 (source


由Enumeration nextElement方法拋出,表明 有在枚舉(source)沒有更多的元素。


// test printing string array 
    for (String s : lines) 
     System.out.println("" + s); 
     String[] output =infixToRPN(lines); 



請記住,infixToRPN收到String []不是像's'這樣的字符串,但是這是我給你找的解決辦法。


啊好吧謝謝你的幫助。我也設法通過從哈希映射中刪除它們來解決括號問題。 – Ph9


@ Ph9,是的,我檢查了其餘的代碼,它是相當幾行xD。如果你正確理解編譯器給你的msg,你將能夠解決你的代碼問題。 – dreamcrash


嗨我現在已經改變了代碼,但它是給每個等式相同的答案? – Ph9