## user purchase sequence seperated by '|' at different time intervals
## lets say in first purchase user bought 3 4 12 23 45 41 25 these products then 4 5 12 17 19 25 46 3 and so on
user_purchase = '3 4 12 23 45 41 25|4 5 12 17 19 25 46 3|39 12 3 23 50 24 35 13|42 34 17 19 46'
## I need to find the transition count from first purchase to second and so on
## e.g 3-1 is 0 , 3-2 is 0 , 3-3 is 0 , 3-4 is 1
## hence output should be {...,2:[(0,0),(0,0),.....], 3:[(0,1),(0,1),(0,1),(1,1), ...], 4:[...]} its a dictionary of list with tuples
### lets say its the total no of products ranging from 1 to 50 that user can buy
prod = range(1,51)
### initializing a dictionary of list with tuples
t = (0,0)
list1= []
for _ in range(len(prod)):
user_tran = {}
for p in prod:
user_tran[p]= list1
# def trans_matrix(prod_seq):
basket_seq = user_purchase.split('|')
iteration = len(basket_seq)
for j in range(iteration-1):
trans_from = basket_seq[j]
trans_to = basket_seq[j+1]
tfrom = map(int,trans_from.split(' '))
print tfrom
tto = map(int,trans_to.split(' '))
for item in tfrom:
### problem here is in each iteration the default value for all keys is updated from [(0,0),(0,0),....] to item_list
item_list = user_tran[item] ### seems problem here
for i in range(len(prod)):
if i+1 in tto:
temp = item_list[i]
x = list(temp)
x[0] = x[0] +1
x[1] = x[1] +1
item_list[i] = tuple(x)
temp = item_list[i]
x = list(temp)
x[0] = x[0]
x[1] = x[1] + 1
item_list[i] = tuple(x)
user_tran[item] = item_list ### list updation should only be for item specified as key in user_tran but all keys are updated with same value
所需的輸出從3在不同的時間user_tran [3] [1:5]
缺貨[38]:[(0,23),(15,23),(7,23) ,(7,23)]
0過渡到1,2中的購買3個序列和產品3存在於前三個購買序列。 但有從3-3
你能解釋一下你的元組列表是什麼意思嗎? –
我想要做的是,讓我們說,有一個商店有5個產品,用戶在第一次訪問時購買了1,3,4,在第二次訪問中購買了3,2,5,所以從第一次訪問到第二次訪問由概率矩陣。 例如,對於產品1,此處可能的轉換爲 1-1,1-2,1-3,1-4,1-5和 實際轉換 1-3,1-2,1-5 因此輸出字典元組列表應該看起來像 {1:[(0,1),(1,1),(1,1),(0,1),(1,1)],2:[...]} 這裏是元組第一個元組列表 (0,1)表示從1-1轉換,0表示1-1沒有發生,1個指示從第1次轉換到第2次轉換。 –
這裏的問題是,無論何時我嘗試更新字典特定於某個鍵的列表值時,我都無法根據鍵有選擇地爲字典賦值。所有鍵均使用相同的值進行更新。我不知道如果我錯誤地分配給列表'user_tran'列表值的字典。 –