2013-08-19 20 views


  • 我的問題是爲每個圖表有哪些要求從數據庫 的數據AJAX請求獲取結果,並顯示在圖表...它 發生時,有成千上萬的數據庫中的行一段時間..


  • 我已經嘗試的事情,但沒有成功..當我試圖通過(「#FL2」)把 圖像。innerHTML的時候AJAX啓動和成功,我只是 刪除圖像,然後它不是我的填充jqplot圖表



<div id="fl_3"style="height: 250px; width: 100%; margin: 50px auto 0"></div> 


function PieChartsCampByOrg(pUrl, pLoaderPath) { 
    // Setup the placeholder reference 

     type : 'post', 
     url : pUrl, 
     success : function(rawdata) 
        var total = rawdata.split(";"); 
        var totalcount = 0; 
        var txt = null; 
        for (var i = 1; i < total.length - 1; i++) 
         if (i == 1) { 
          txt = "[{ label: \"" + total[i] + "\", data: " 
            + total[i + 1] + "}"; 

         else { 
          txt = txt + ", { label: \"" + total[i] 
            + "\", data: " + total[i + 1] + "}";      } 

         totalcount = parseInt(totalcount) + parseInt(total[i + 1]); 


        txt = txt + "];"; 

        if (totalcount == 0 || data == null || data == 'undefined') { 
         labeltext = "Total Campaign: " 
           + totalcount 
           + " <br> Statistic Type: Campaigns By Organization"; 
        } else { 

         labeltext = "Total Campaign: " 
           + totalcount 
           + " <br> Statistic Type: Campaigns By Organization"; 

        document.getElementById('piecamporg').innerHTML = labeltext; 

        elem = $('#fl_3'); 

        var data = eval(txt); 

        // Setup the flot chart using our data 
        $.plot(elem, data, { 
         series: { 
           pie: { 
            show: true, 
            radius: 1, 
            label: { 
             show: false, 
             radius: 2/3, 
             formatter: function (label, series) { 
              return '<div style="font-size:7pt;text-align:center;padding:2px;color:white;">' + label + '<br/>' + series.data[0][1] + '</div>'; 

             threshold: 0.1 
         grid : { 
          hoverable : true, 
          clickable : true 
         colors : [ "#245779", "#85c441", "#e88b2f", "#bb43f2", 
           "#3073a0", "#9C2323", "#183b52", "#8cc7e0", 
           "#64b4d5", "#3ca0ca", "#2d83a6", "#22637e", 
           "#174356", "#0c242e" ] 
        // colors: [ "#b4dbeb", "#8cc7e0", "#64b4d5", "#3ca0ca", 
        // "#2d83a6", "#22637e", "#174356", "#0c242e" ] 
        // Create a tooltip on our chart 
         prerender : true, 
         content : 'Loading...', // Use a loading message 
         // primarily 
         position : { 
          viewport : $(window), // Keep it visible within 
          // the window if possible 
          target : 'mouse', // Position it in relation to 
          // the mouse 
          adjust : { 
           x : 7 
         // ...but adjust it a bit so it doesn't overlap it. 
         show : true, // We'll show it programatically, so no 
         // show event is needed 
         style : { 
          classes : 'ui-tooltip-shadow ui-tooltip-tipsy', 
          tip : false 
         // Remove the default tip. 

        // Bind the plot hover 
            function(event, pos, obj) { 

             // Grab the API reference 
             var self = $(this), api = $(this) 
               .qtip(), previousPoint, content, 

             // Setup a visually pleasing rounding 
             // function 
             round = function(x) { 
              return Math.round(x * 1000)/1000; 

             // If we weren't passed the item object, 
             // hide the tooltip and remove cached 
             // point data 
             if (!obj) { 
              api.cache.point = false; 
              return api.hide(event); 

             // Proceed only if the data point has 
             // changed 
             previousPoint = api.cache.point; 
             if (previousPoint !== obj.seriesIndex) { 
              percent = parseFloat(
              // Update the cached point data 
              api.cache.point = obj.seriesIndex; 
              // Setup new content 
              content = obj.series.label + ' (' 
              + obj.series.data[0][1] + ')'; 

              // Update the tooltip content 
              api.set('content.text', content); 
              // Make sure we don't get problems 
              // with animations 
              // api.elements.tooltip.stop(1, 1); 
              // Show the tooltip, passing the 
              // coordinates 



以上是我的Ajax調用...它相當複雜的功能,但我只是想爲顯示裝載機,直到AJAX成功 希望任何一個拿到了解決方案...我知道應該有一些簡單的解決辦法,但在阿賈克斯倒沒精通..




<style type="text/css"> 
    background-image: url('Path_to_loaderImage\loader.gif'); 

<div id="chart_Container" style="width:100%;height:100%;"> 
    <div id="fl_3"style="height: 250px; width: 100%; margin: 50px auto 0"></div> 
    <div class="loader_Image"/> 

<script type="text/javascript> 


function PieChartsCampByOrg(pUrl, pLoaderPath) { 
    // Setup the placeholder reference 

    type : 'post', 
    url : pUrl, 
    success : function(rawdata) 
       var total = rawdata.split(";"); 
       var totalcount = 0; 
       var txt = null; 
       for (var i = 1; i < total.length - 1; i++) 
        if (i == 1) { 
         txt = "[{ label: \"" + total[i] + "\", data: " 
           + total[i + 1] + "}"; 

        else { 
         txt = txt + ", { label: \"" + total[i] 
           + "\", data: " + total[i + 1] + "}";      } 

        totalcount = parseInt(totalcount) + parseInt(total[i + 1]); 


       txt = txt + "];"; 

       if (totalcount == 0 || data == null || data == 'undefined') { 
        labeltext = "Total Campaign: " 
          + totalcount 
          + " <br> Statistic Type: Campaigns By Organization"; 
       } else { 

        labeltext = "Total Campaign: " 
          + totalcount 
          + " <br> Statistic Type: Campaigns By Organization"; 

       document.getElementById('piecamporg').innerHTML = labeltext; 

       elem = $('#fl_3'); 

       var data = eval(txt); 

       // Setup the flot chart using our data 
       $.plot(elem, data, { 
        series: { 
          pie: { 
           show: true, 
           radius: 1, 
           label: { 
            show: false, 
            radius: 2/3, 
            formatter: function (label, series) { 
             return '<div style="font-size:7pt;text-align:center;padding:2px;color:white;">' + label + '<br/>' + series.data[0][1] + '</div>'; 

            threshold: 0.1 
        grid : { 
         hoverable : true, 
         clickable : true 
        colors : [ "#245779", "#85c441", "#e88b2f", "#bb43f2", 
          "#3073a0", "#9C2323", "#183b52", "#8cc7e0", 
          "#64b4d5", "#3ca0ca", "#2d83a6", "#22637e", 
          "#174356", "#0c242e" ] 
       // colors: [ "#b4dbeb", "#8cc7e0", "#64b4d5", "#3ca0ca", 
       // "#2d83a6", "#22637e", "#174356", "#0c242e" ] 
       // Create a tooltip on our chart 
        prerender : true, 
        content : 'Loading...', // Use a loading message 
        // primarily 
        position : { 
         viewport : $(window), // Keep it visible within 
         // the window if possible 
         target : 'mouse', // Position it in relation to 
         // the mouse 
         adjust : { 
          x : 7 
        // ...but adjust it a bit so it doesn't overlap it. 
        show : true, // We'll show it programatically, so no 
        // show event is needed 
        style : { 
         classes : 'ui-tooltip-shadow ui-tooltip-tipsy', 
         tip : false 
        // Remove the default tip. 

       // Bind the plot hover 
           function(event, pos, obj) { 

            // Grab the API reference 
            var self = $(this), api = $(this) 
              .qtip(), previousPoint, content, 

            // Setup a visually pleasing rounding 
            // function 
            round = function(x) { 
             return Math.round(x * 1000)/1000; 

            // If we weren't passed the item object, 
            // hide the tooltip and remove cached 
            // point data 
            if (!obj) { 
             api.cache.point = false; 
             return api.hide(event); 

            // Proceed only if the data point has 
            // changed 
            previousPoint = api.cache.point; 
            if (previousPoint !== obj.seriesIndex) { 
             percent = parseFloat(
             // Update the cached point data 
             api.cache.point = obj.seriesIndex; 
             // Setup new content 
             content = obj.series.label + ' (' 
             + obj.series.data[0][1] + ')'; 

             // Update the tooltip content 
             api.set('content.text', content); 
             // Make sure we don't get problems 
             // with animations 
             // api.elements.tooltip.stop(1, 1); 
             // Show the tooltip, passing the 
             // coordinates 
