我試圖攔截所有在OpenStack中通過rabbitmq系統的RPC消息(Request & Reply Message)。在OpenStack中,所有請求消息都通過名爲「nova」的單個交換。將一個新隊列附加到「nova」交換中,我可以捕獲請求消息。
a Direct Consumer comes to life if (an only if) a rpc.call operation is executed; this object is
instantiated and used to receive a response message from the queuing system; Every consumer connects to
a unique direct-based exchange via a unique exclusive queue; its life-cycle is limited to the message
delivery; the exchange and queue identifiers are determined by a *UUID generator*, and are marshaled in
the message sent by the Topic Publisher (only rpc.call operations).
爲了捕獲回覆消息被捕捉爲通過AMQP and Nova指定和摘錄,我試圖連接到與相應的MSG_ID或REQUEST_ID直接交換。我不確定什麼是正確的交換ID以捕獲特定rpc.call的回覆。