2012-04-02 36 views


我遇到的錯誤是當我添加字符到沒有空格的字符串時,它只添加第一個字符。 $ t2是持有要添加的字符的寄存器,並且我在運行時檢查了寄存器以確保其值正在改變。我不知道還有什麼可以看的。

str:  .space 81 # buffer for input string 
strNS:  .space 81 # buffer for string w/o spaces 
prompt:  .asciiz "Enter a string up to 80 characters\n" 
head1:  .asciiz "\nOriginal String: " 
head2:  .asciiz "\nNumber of spaces: " 
head3:  .asciiz "\nWith spaces removed: " 

    #print the first prompt and get the input string from console 
    li  $v0, 4   #load syscall value to print string into $v0 
    la  $a0, prompt  #address of prompt to print 
    syscall     #print prompt to console 
    li  $v0, 8   #load syscall value to read input string 
    la  $a0, str  #addr of allocated space for input string is now in $a0 
    li  $a1, 81 

    jal  countSpace 

    addi $t1, $v0, 0  #the count of spaces is in $v0, save it into $t1 
    li  $v0, 4   #print header then the count 
    la  $a0, head1 
    la  $a0, str  #print the original string 
    la  $a0, head2  #print second header before printing count 
    li  $v0, 1  
    addi $a0, $t1, 0  #place the count in $a0 
    syscall     #print the count 

    li  $v0, 4 
    la  $a0, head3  #print the third header 
    la  $a0, strNS  #print no spaces string 

    li  $v0, 10   #load syscall value for exit 
    syscall     #exit 

    la  $s0, strNS 
    addi $sp, $sp, -12 #adjust the stack pointer for saving 
    sw  $s0, 8($sp)  #store addr of nospace string 
    sw  $ra, 4($sp)  #store return addr on the stack 
    sw  $a0, 0($sp)  #store the count on the stack 

    #Begin counting spaces 
    addi $t3, $a0, 0  #$t3 has addr of user input 
    addi $t5, $s0, 0  #$t5 has addr of string with no spaces 
    li  $t6, 0   #$t6 holds index of string with no spaces 
    li  $t0, 0   #$t0 will hold the count of spaces 
    li  $t4, 0   #$t4 holds the index of the string 
    add  $t1, $t3, $t4 #$t1 = addr of str[i] 
    lb  $t2, 0($t1)  #$t2 = character in str[i] 
    beq  $t2, $zero, exitCS #break from loop if $t2 contains null character 
    addi $a0, $t2, 0  #place value to be checked in $a0 

    #save values onto stack from temp registers to preserve them 
    addi $sp, $sp, -28 #adjust the stack pointer for 5 values 
    sw  $t6, 24($sp) #save index of string with no spaces 
    sw  $t5, 20($sp) #save addr of string with no spaces 
    sw  $t4, 16($sp) #save index of user input 
    sw  $t3, 12($sp) #save the addr of user input 
    sb  $t2, 8($sp)  #save the character in str[i] 
    sw  $t1, 4($sp)  #save the address of str[i] 
    sw  $t0, 0($sp)  #save the count of spaces 

    jal  isSpace   #result from this jump and link will be in $v0 after call 

    #pop saved values from the stack, then reset the pointer 
    lw  $t6, 24($sp) 
    lw  $t5, 20($sp) 
    lw  $t4, 16($sp) 
    lw  $t3, 12($sp) 
    lb  $t2, 8($sp) 
    lw  $t1, 4($sp) 
    lw  $t0, 0($sp) 
    addi $sp, $sp, 28 #reset stack pointer 
    beq  $v0, $zero, addTo #if not a space, continue to next character 
    addi $t0, $t0, 1  #if it is a space, increment count 
    bne  $v0, $zero, nextChar #If character is a space, branch 
    sll  $t7, $t6, 2  #index if nospaces string stores width of 4 
    add  $t7, $t7, $t5 #now $t7 points at nospaces[i] 
    sb  $t2, 0($t7)  #store the character in the nospaces string 
    addi $t6, $t6, 1  #increment the index of nospaces 


    addi $t4, $t4, 1  #increment the index value 
    j  loop   #jump back to loop and continue processing 

    addi $v0, $t0, 0  #count of spaces placed into $v0 
    addi $v1, $t5, 0 
    lw  $ra, 4($sp)  #load return addr from the stack 
    lw  $a0, 0($sp)  #load value to check from the stack 
    addi $sp, $sp, 8  #reset stack pointer 
    jr  $ra    #return 

    addi $sp, $sp, -12 #adjust stack pointer to make room 
    sw  $s0, 8($sp) 
    sw  $ra, 4($sp)  #store value of return addr onto stack 
    sw  $a0, 0($sp)  #store value to check onto stack 

    #Check to see if the character is a space 
    li  $t0, 32   #ascii value for space character loaded into $t0 
    li  $v0, 0   #Set default return to 0, or "not a space character" 
    bne  $t0, $a0, endSC#if ascii values match, character is a space 
    li  $v0, 1   #$v0 = 1 means it is a space character 

    lw  $s0, 8($sp) 
    lw  $ra, 4($sp)  #restore return address 
    lw  $a0, 0($sp)  #restore addr of str 
    addi $sp, $sp, 12 #reset the stack pointer 

end: jr $ra 



變化sll $t7, $t6, 2move $t7, $t6。沒有必要手動對齊任何東西。

MARS debugger

下面是與輸入here's some spaces運行後,你的程序的數據段。一旦你看到錯誤,修復應該是顯而易見的。


完美運作。非常感謝! – user1307073 2012-04-02 11:49:12