public int InitialiseOpenOffice()
// This is the document with the mail merge tags in that I want to be used as the source.
string filePathStr = "file:///C:/DotNetDev/MailMerge//MailMergeSample.doc";
Type openOffice;
openOffice = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("com.sun.star.ServiceManager");
object objServiceManager = System.Activator.CreateInstance(openOffice);
// arguments for IDispatch-call
object[] parameters = new object[1];
parameters[0] = "com.sun.star.frame.Desktop";
// arguments for document
object[] args = new object[4];
args[0] = "private:factory/swriter";
args[1] = "_blank";
args[2] = 0;
args[3] = new object[] { };
// arguments for document
object[] existingargs = new object[4];
existingargs[0] = filePathStr;
existingargs[1] = "_blank";
existingargs[2] = 0;
existingargs[3] = new object[] { };
object startdesktop;
object doc;
startdesktop = (object)openOffice.InvokeMember("createInstance",
BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null,
objServiceManager, parameters);
doc = startdesktop.GetType().InvokeMember("loadComponentFromUrl",
BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, startdesktop, existingargs);
object openOfficeServiceManagerObj = System.Activator.CreateInstance(openOffice);
// arguments for MailMerge
object[] mailMergeParameters = new object[1];
mailMergeParameters[0] = "com.sun.star.text.MailMerge";
// All the code up to this point works, but the code below doesn't. At this
// point OponOffice is open with the document I want to use in the mailmerge.
//Type t_OOo;
//t_OOo = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("com.sun.star.ServiceManager");
//objServiceManager = System.Activator.CreateInstance(t_OOo);
//object oMailMerge;
//oMailMerge = t_OOo.InvokeMember("createInstance", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, objServiceManager, new Object[] { "com.sun.star.text.MailMerge" });
//oMailMerge.DocumentURL = "file:///C:/Users/me/Desktop/OpenOffice Investigation/mail merged.odt";
//oMailMerge.DataSourceName = "adds";
//oMailMerge.CommandType = 0;
//oMailMerge.Command = "adds";
//oMailMerge.OutputType = 2;
//oMailMerge.execute(new Object[] { });
if (doc == null)
return 1; // error!!
catch (Exception e)
string s = e.Message;
return 1;
return 0;
我已經看到了這個網址無處它告訴你該怎麼做實際的郵件合併似乎只是裙子拍攝對象。 – 2009-10-15 16:23:01