所以我想解析一個XML文件並用READ MORE鏈接顯示文章的前150個單詞。儘管如此,它並不完全分析150個單詞。我也不知道如何製作它,所以它不解析IMG標籤代碼等...代碼是低於限制XML/HTML字符串長度
// Script displays 3 most recent blog posts from blog.pinchit.com (blog..pinchit.com/api/read)
// The entries on homepage show the first 150 words of description and "READ MORE" link
// if it was a JSON file
// $string=file_get_contents("http://blog.pinchit.com/api/read");
// $json_a=json_decode($string,true);
// var_export($json_a);
// XML Parsing
$file = "http://blog.pinchit.com/api/read";
$posts_to_display = 3;
$posts = array();
// get all the file nodes
trigger_error('Error reading XML file',E_USER_ERROR);
// counter for posts member array
$counter = 0;
// Accessing elements within an XML document that contain characters not permitted under PHP's naming convention
// (e.g. the hyphen) can be accomplished by encapsulating the element name within braces and the apostrophe.
foreach($xml->posts->post as $post){
//post's title
$posts[$counter]['title'] = $post->{'regular-title'};
// post's full body
$posts[$counter]['body'] = $post->{'regular-body'};
// post's body's first 150 words
//for some reason, I am not sure if it's exactly 150
$posts[$counter]['preview'] = substr($posts[$counter]['body'], 0, 150);
//strip all the html tags so it doesn't mess up the page
$posts[$counter]['preview'] = strip_tags($posts[$counter]['preview']);
//post's id
$posts[$counter]['id'] = $post->attributes()->id;
//exit the for loop after we parse out all the articles that we want
if ($posts_to_display == 0) break;
// Displays all of the posts
foreach($posts as $post){
echo "<b>" . $post['title'] . "</b>";
echo "<br/>";
echo $post['preview'];
echo " <a href='http://blog.pinchit.com/post/" . $post[id] . "'>Read More</a>";
echo "<br/><br/>";
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啊是的..完全忘了去掉身體標籤的標籤。謝謝! – CodeCrack