2015-10-13 52 views

我能夠從intellij連接到mongo db。 Mongo瀏覽器工作正常。無法在intellij中使用mongo shell

但連接後,當我嘗試打開任何數據庫上的Mongo Shell它無法連接。

錯誤是在未來的IntelliJ我在Windows 7上運行以下使用的IntelliJ 14.1.5錯誤

2015-10-12T15:08:24.062-0700 I CONTROL Hotfix KB2731284 or later update is installed, no need to zero-out data files 
Invalid command: localhost:27017/students 

General options: 
    -h [ --help ]    show this usage information 
    --version     show version information 
    -f [ --config ] arg   configuration file specifying additional options 
    -v [ --verbose ] [=arg(=v)] be more verbose (include multiple times for more 
           verbosity e.g. -vvvvv) 
    --quiet      quieter output 
    --port arg     specify port number - 27017 by default 
    --bind_ip arg    comma separated list of ip addresses to listen on 
           - all local ips by default 
    --ipv6      enable IPv6 support (disabled by default) 
    --maxConns arg    max number of simultaneous connections - 1000000 
           by default 
    --logpath arg    log file to send write to instead of stdout - has 
           to be a file, not directory 
    --logappend     append to logpath instead of over-writing 
    --logRotate arg    set the log rotation behavior (rename|reopen) 
    --timeStampFormat arg  Desired format for timestamps in log messages. 
           One of ctime, iso8601-utc or iso8601-local 
    --pidfilepath arg   full path to pidfile (if not set, no pidfile is 
    --keyFile arg    private key for cluster authentication 
    --setParameter arg   Set a configurable parameter 
    --httpinterface    enable http interface 
    --clusterAuthMode arg  Authentication mode used for cluster 
           authentication. Alternatives are 
    --auth      run with security 
    --noauth     run without security 
    --jsonp      allow JSONP access via http (has security 
    --rest      turn on simple rest api 
    --slowms arg (=100)   value of slow for profile and console log 
    --profile arg    0=off 1=slow, 2=all 
    --cpu      periodically show cpu and iowait utilization 
    --sysinfo     print some diagnostic system information 
    --noIndexBuildRetry   don't retry any index builds that were 
           interrupted by shutdown 
    --noscripting    disable scripting engine 
    --notablescan    do not allow table scans 

Windows Service Control Manager options: 
    --install    install Windows service 
    --remove     remove Windows service 
    --reinstall    reinstall Windows service (equivalent to --remove 
          followed by --install) 
    --serviceName arg  Windows service name 
    --serviceDisplayName arg Windows service display name 
    --serviceDescription arg Windows service description 
    --serviceUser arg  account for service execution 
    --servicePassword arg password used to authenticate serviceUser 

Replication options: 
    --oplogSize arg  size to use (in MB) for replication op log. default is 
         5% of disk space (i.e. large is good) 

Master/slave options (old; use replica sets instead): 
    --master    master mode 
    --slave    slave mode 
    --source arg   when slave: specify master as <server:port> 
    --only arg   when slave: specify a single database to replicate 
    --slavedelay arg  specify delay (in seconds) to be used when applying 
         master ops to slave 
    --autoresync   automatically resync if slave data is stale 

Replica set options: 
    --replSet arg   arg is <setname>[/<optionalseedhostlist>] 
    --replIndexPrefetch arg specify index prefetching behavior (if secondary) 

Sharding options: 
    --configsvr   declare this is a config db of a cluster; default port 
         27019; default dir /data/configdb 
    --shardsvr   declare this is a shard db of a cluster; default port 

SSL options: 
    --sslOnNormalPorts     use ssl on configured ports 
    --sslMode arg       set the SSL operation mode 
    --sslPEMKeyFile arg     PEM file for ssl 
    --sslPEMKeyPassword arg    PEM file password 
    --sslClusterFile arg     Key file for internal SSL 
    --sslClusterPassword arg    Internal authentication key file 
    --sslCAFile arg      Certificate Authority file for SSL 
    --sslCRLFile arg      Certificate Revocation List file for 
    --sslWeakCertificateValidation  allow client to connect without 
             presenting a certificate 
             allow client to connect without 
             presenting a certificate 
    --sslAllowInvalidHostnames   Allow server certificates to provide 
             non-matching hostnames 
    --sslAllowInvalidCertificates   allow connections to servers with 
             invalid certificates 
    --sslFIPSMode       activate FIPS 140-2 mode at startup 

Storage options: 
    --storageEngine arg (=mmapv1) what storage engine to use 
    --dbpath arg     directory for datafiles - defaults to \data\db\ 
           which is C:\data\db\ based on the current 
           working drive 
    --directoryperdb    each database will be stored in a separate 
    --noprealloc     disable data file preallocation - will often 
           hurt performance 
    --nssize arg (=16)   .ns file size (in MB) for new databases 
    --quota      limits each database to a certain number of 
           files (8 default) 
    --quotaFiles arg    number of files allowed per db, implies --quota 
    --smallfiles     use a smaller default file size 
    --syncdelay arg (=60)   seconds between disk syncs (0=never, but not 
    --upgrade      upgrade db if needed 
    --repair      run repair on all dbs 
    --repairpath arg    root directory for repair files - defaults to 
    --journal      enable journaling 
    --nojournal     disable journaling (journaling is on by default 
           for 64 bit) 
    --journalOptions arg   journal diagnostic options 
    --journalCommitInterval arg how often to group/batch commit (ms) 

WiredTiger options: 
    --wiredTigerCacheSizeGB arg   maximum amount of memory to allocate 
             for cache; defaults to 1/2 of physical 
    --wiredTigerStatisticsLogDelaySecs arg (=0) 
             seconds to wait between each write to a 
             statistics file in the dbpath; 0 means 
             do not log statistics 
    --wiredTigerJournalCompressor arg (=snappy) 
             use a compressor for log records 
    --wiredTigerDirectoryForIndexes  Put indexes and data in different 
    --wiredTigerCollectionBlockCompressor arg (=snappy) 
             block compression algorithm for 
             collection data [none|snappy|zlib] 
    --wiredTigerIndexPrefixCompression arg (=1) 
             use prefix compression on row-store 
             leaf pages 

Process finished with exit code 1 

我做了一些調試在我的答案,然後再alize你可能不會使用mac - 看到這個答案:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29316482/mongo-error-on-i-control-hotfix –



在Mac 10.10.5, 投擲用新安裝的插件蒙戈(Mongo的探險家)的,在Mongo Explorer設置中添加一個服務器(名稱:local - localhost:27017),點擊測試連接,迴應OK,點擊應用並確定,然後雙擊Mongo Explorer中的「本地」項目,並運行良好。

在Mac 10.11我不得不做固定爲自制的一點 - 安裝新的XCode,啓動它並同意條款,sudo xcodebuild -license,修復/usr/local燙髮與sudo chown $(whoami):admin /usr/local && sudo chown -R $(whoami):admin /usr/local。釀造更新後,mongo仍然搞砸了,所以我卸載並重新安裝,並從命令行開始mongo,並取得成功。之後,我重新安裝了IntelliJ Mongo插件並按照上面的說明操作,並且一切正常。



我在Windows 7上得到這個問題,仍然無法解決它。直到測試連接它工作正常,但是當我嘗試打開一個shell來寫一些查詢它給出了上述錯誤。 –


我已經升級到intellij想法15,但仍然無法在intellij中使用mongo shell。雖然得到不同的錯誤。 NoClassDefFoundError:com/intellij/execution/runners/ConsoleExecuteActionHandler –



CMD命令 mongod.exe --config = 「C:.... \的MongoDB \ mongo.config」 --logappend


創建內容配置文件: DBPATH = C:\ MongoDB的\數據 日誌路徑= C:\ MongoDB的\日誌\ mongodb.log