2014-02-23 50 views


public JsonResult BugJqGridDataRequested() 

     var bugGrid = new BugJqGridViewModel(); 
     var db = new BugContext(); 
     var bugs = db.Bugs.ToList(); 
     bugGrid.Grid.DataSource = bugs; 
     return bugGrid.Grid.DataBind(); 




public ActionResult BugJqGridDataRequested() 
    using (var db = new BugContext()) { 
     var bugs = db.Bugs.Select(b => new { Prop1 = b.Prop, Prop2 = b.NavigationProperty.Data }).ToList(); 
     return Json(new { 
      /// The number of pages which should be displayed in the paging controls at the bottom of the grid. 
      Total = 1, 
      /// The current page number which should be highlighted in the paging controls at the bottom of the grid. 
      Page = 1, 
      /// Anything serializable 
      /// UserData = null, 

      //The number of all available bugs not just the number of the returned rows! 
      Records = bugs.Count, 
      Rows = bugs 

附加信息:Using jqGrid with ASP.NET MVC: LINQ Extensions


即時得到這個錯誤'的ObjectContext的實例已設置,並且不能再被用於那些需要connection.'操作 然後我刪除了使用然後錯誤消失現在即時通訊其他錯誤與jqgrid的JS文件做...但你的情況似乎工作 – imGreg


這是因爲錯誤實體有在至少有一個導航屬性和json序列化程序試圖序列化它,但在序列化之前已經放置了DbContext,所以我們需要在構建結果集之前添加一個扁平類型。我編輯了我的答案。 –