*如果(!空)檢索第一個條目的陣列,不應該使用*mysqli_fetch_assoc while循環不工作
這個腳本搜索數據庫進行匹配在用戶提交了一個網址形成。目前由echo語句打印的$查詢在mysql中正常工作並返回一個條目。該腳本執行並打印表頭,但不輸入while($ row = ..)循環。
//1. Query DB for results
$query = "SELECT * FROM projects WHERE projectsurl='".$url."';";
echo "<br>".$query;
$projects = mysqli_query($conn, $query);
// 2. Print Project Results
//Print Project Results
echo "Is this your project?<br>";
echo "<table style=width:'100%'>";
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($projects)){
echo $tabler . $thh . "Title: <br>" .$row['title'] . $thsp . "No. Rewards: <br>" . $row['rewards'] . $thf . $xtabler;
echo $tabler . $thh . "ID: " .$row['id'] . $thf . $xtabler;
// Echo two rows for the URL Strings because they are longer.
echo $tabler . $thh . "<a href='" . $row['projectsurl'] . "'>Projects</a>" . $thsp . "<a href='" . $row['rewardsurl'] . "'> Rewards " . $thf . $xtabler;
echo "<form id='confirmation' action='../index.php' method='POST'>
<input type='hidden' value='2' name = 'stage'>
<input type='hidden' value='".$row['id']."' name='id'>
<input type='hidden' value='".$row['title']."' name='title'>
<input type='submit' value='Confirm'></form>";
echo "</table>";
//trigger ruby script to search for lost file
echo "Project Not Found. <br>";
$tabler = "<tr>";
$xtabler = "</tr>";
$thh = "<th><b>";
$thsp = "</th><th>";
$thf = "</b></th>";
$csp = "</td><td>";
$ch = "<td>";
$cf = "</td>";
你已經在你的'if(!empty('語句中獲取了一行,如果你只有一行,那麼while循環永遠不會輸入。 –
使用https://secure.php.net/manual/ en/mysqli-stmt.num-rows.php而不是 –
哈!猜猜這就是我試圖變得聰明時會發生什麼,謝謝! – itchyspacesuit