我有一個WCF數據服務,用於從Gps座標的Sql Server數據庫表中提供數據。特別是我有一個服務操作方法,它允許你指定一個小數精度和緯度/經度範圍來產生更一般的數據表示。
// This is my service operation that I need to call from my client app (see below).
// It should return an IEnumerable<Gps> (Gps is one of my Entity Model
// types) list of distinct GPS rounded to the number of decimal positions
// specified and within the range specified.
public IEnumerable<Gps> GetGpsView(int decimalPlaces, decimal minLatitude, decimal minLongitude, decimal maxLatitude, decimal maxLongitude)
// I must first return a list of anonymous-type objects
// because LINQ does not seem to allow me to construct my
// Gps object within the query (one of those other issues
// I had to tip-toe around).
var list = (from g in this.CurrentDataSource.Gps
where g.Latitude >= minLatitude &&
g.Latitude <= maxLatitude &&
g.Longitude >= minLongitude &&
g.Longitude <= maxLongitude
select new
Id = 0,
Latitude = Math.Round(g.Latitude, decimalPlaces),
Longitude = Math.Round(g.Longitude, decimalPlaces)
// Now that I have my results, I need to convert the items in the
// list to my Gps entity object.
IEnumerable<Gps> gpsList = list.ConvertAll<Gps>(item => new Gps
Id = item.Id,
Latitude = item.Latitude,
Longitude = item.Longitude
return gpsList;
如果我調試上述方法(Visual Studio的虛擬服務器上運行它)調用時從我的客戶端應用程序中,gpsList在返回客戶端之前似乎包含正確的數據。使用我的測試參數,我得到一個200個不同的Gps對象的列表,其值被四捨五入到我指定的小數位。
但是,一旦結果返回到我的客戶端應用程序中的調用方法,我有一個200 Gps對象的列表,但它們都是相同的值。具體而言,重複的值是我預期結果集中的LAST值。我通過在Web瀏覽器中調用此操作並查看結果來證實了這一點。
// Partial class extension of code auto-generated by service reference.
public partial class HsiSideBySideEntities
public List<Gps> GetGpsView(int decimalPlaces, decimal minLatitude, decimal minLongitude, decimal maxLatitude, decimal maxLongitude)
this.IgnoreMissingProperties = true;
// Format my relative URI string.
string uri = string.Format("/GetGpsView?decimalPlaces={0}&minLatitude={1}M&minLongitude={2}M&maxLatitude={3}M&maxLongitude={4}M", decimalPlaces, minLatitude, minLongitude, maxLatitude, maxLongitude);
// If I debug both client and service at the same time, when I step over this
// line, it does reach my data service - and as I mentioned above, on the
// service end it appears to generate the correct results.
List<Gps> gpsList = this.Execute<Gps>(new Uri(uri, UriKind.Relative)).ToList();
// However, the results are returned to the client code, my list contains
// duplicates of the last expected record.
return gpsList;
感謝您的建議。這實際上超出了我的想法,但我想如果是這樣的話,我的列表在返回之前的這段代碼之後看起來不正確。但我會試一試,讓每個人都知道結果如何。 – 2010-11-03 13:08:43
你是我今天的英雄!我改變了將它從匿名類型轉換爲Gps對象的部分,而不是更改您概述的代碼部分。在此之前,我宣佈「long id = 0;」然後在轉換例程中設置「Id = id ++」,爲每個項目分配一個唯一的Id值。再次感謝! – 2010-11-03 13:38:12