2013-04-12 102 views

我的HTML電子郵件模板在Gmail,Apple Mail和iOS Mail中沒有出現重大問題時正常顯示。然而,展望是一個可怕的混亂,我不能爲我的生活弄清楚我做了什麼錯?Outlook電子郵件表格寬度問題中的HTML電子郵件 - 內容寬度超過指定的表格寬度




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              We have been pretty busy for the last 2 1/2 years getting our business up and running, busy doing day to day and long term projects for our clients. But it's come to our attention not everyone is aware of all the cool (and not so cool but just as important) things we do. So we're going to show off a bit, tell you a bit more about what we do so you can benefit from our wide range of skills, services and experiences. This email is the start of that process: we're going to show you a small (we don't want to annoy you with too much stuff) but diverse selection of projects each <!-- month to hopefully inspire you. Then if you want any information or ideas on how we could do something similar for you just let us know - we'd love to help! We are also in the process of building ourselves a new web site (finally) - we'll let you know when its live but check out our temporary page in the mean time - here. --> 
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                 today - You’ll <br /> 
                 love working with us 
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非常感謝您的幫助!我不敢相信這很簡單。這是我爲自己的第一份自由職業而工作的東西,至少我的第一份工作現在不是絕對的破壞。我無法感謝你足夠的 –


這解決了我的表被忽略的問題。謝謝! – jamesnotjim


我推薦**關於acid **的電子郵件,它幫助我解決了其他問題。它做了一個酸性測試,在所有電子郵件客戶端顯示您的電子郵件的輸出,如果您只是使用免費版本,您會得到gmail和outlook,我個人認爲這是最重要的,以便正確使用它(hotmail正在轉向Outlook Web應用程序),大多數其他電子郵件客戶端可能會正確輸出,因爲它們符合Web標準。它還建議改進並驗證您的HTML。希望你發現它和我一樣有幫助! [電子郵件酸](https://www.emailonacid.com/) –