我想在我的asp.net web應用程序中使用COM組件。在這個組件中,我傳遞存儲在我的服務器目錄中的圖像文件的路徑,並且此組件返回給我一個IPicture數據類型。ASP.NET和COM互操作
- 我在我的解決方案中引用了DLL。
- 早期綁定DLL並實例化特定的類和接口。
問題1:先上去,我無法看到所有可見的VS intelisence的方法和屬性在IL DASM。只有少數可用。爲什麼?
ViewerClass cview = null; // ViewerClass is the class from the COM Component
Viewer Icsview = null; // Viewer is one of the interfaces that ViewerClass has.
cview = new ViewerClass();
if (cview is Viewer)
Icsview = (Viewer)cview;
Icsview.Open(filePath, 0, 0); // filePath is a string, passing the path of the file present in my local directory.
問題2:這是錯誤occures: - 當代碼來這條線,我收到InvalidCast異常:
- 調用應該在文件上工作的方法並將其轉換爲IPicture類型變量:
- 爲什麼會出現此錯誤?
In cur租用方案,此代碼不會執行。
object objCSViewerLateBound;
Type objTypeCSViewer;
object[] arrayInput = new object[3];
arrayInput[0] = filePath;
arrayInput[1] = 0;
arrayInput[2] = 0;
objTypeCSViewer = Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(new Guid("{89251546-3F1C-430D-BA77-F86572FA4EF6}"));
objCSViewerLateBound = Activator.CreateInstance(objTypeCSViewer);
objTypeCSViewer.InvokeMember("Open", BindingFlags.Default | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, objCSViewerLateBound, arrayInput);
// getting the values from the properties
double viewMaxX = (double)objTypeCSViewer.InvokeMember("ViewMaxX", BindingFlags.Default | BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, objCSViewerLateBound, new object[] { });
double viewMaxY = (double)objTypeCSViewer.InvokeMember("ViewMaxY", BindingFlags.Default | BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, objCSViewerLateBound, new object[] { });
double viewMinX = (double)objTypeCSViewer.InvokeMember("ViewMinX", BindingFlags.Default | BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, objCSViewerLateBound, new object[] { });
double viewMinY = (double)objTypeCSViewer.InvokeMember("ViewMinY", BindingFlags.Default | BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, objCSViewerLateBound, new object[] { });
// geting the image height and width
int imagewidth, imageheight, pictype;
imagewidth = 1280; imageheight = 800; pictype = 1;
object[] previewDetails = new object[7];
previewDetails[0] = viewMinX;
previewDetails[1] = viewMinY;
previewDetails[2] = viewMaxX;
previewDetails[3] = viewMaxY;
previewDetails[4] = imagewidth;
previewDetails[5] = imageheight;
previewDetails[6] = pictype;
IPicture pict = (IPicture)objTypeCSViewer.InvokeMember("Preview", BindingFlags.Default | BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, objCSViewerLateBound, previewDetails);