2009-11-23 79 views


public class Company 
    private string m_strName; 
    private Customer m_objCustomer; 

    public Company() 
     m_strName = ""; 
     m_objCustomer = new Customer(); 

    public string Name 
     get { return m_strName; } 
     set { m_strName = value; } 

    public Customer CustomerInformaion 
     get { return m_objCustomer; } 
     set { m_objCustomer = value; } 

public class Customer 
    private string m_strName; 
    private Details m_objDetails; 

    public Customer() 
     m_strName = ""; 
     m_objDetails = new Details(); 

    public string Name 
     get { return m_strName; } 
     set { m_strName = value; } 

    public Details CustomerDetails 
     get { return m_objDetails; } 
     set { m_objDetails = value; } 

public class Details 
    private string m_strPhoneNumber; 
    private string m_strEmailAddress; 

    public Details() 
     m_strPhoneNumber = ""; 
     m_strEmailAddress = ""; 

    public string PhoneNumber 
     get { return m_strPhoneNumber; } 
     set { m_strPhoneNumber = value; } 

    public string EmailAddress 
     get { return m_strEmailAddress; } 
     set { m_strEmailAddress = value; } 


foreach (PropertyInfo info in m_objCompany.GetType().GetProperties()) 
    if (info.PropertyType != typeof(System.String)) 
     foreach (PropertyInfo info2 in info.PropertyType.GetProperties()) 
      if (objTextBox.Tag.Equals(info2.Name)) 
       if (info2.CanWrite) 
        Object objValue = Convert.ChangeType(objTextBox.Text, info.PropertyType); 
        info2.SetValue(m_objCompany, objValue, null); 


我的問題是,當我運行的代碼我在一changeType和/或的SetValue收到一個錯誤。問題在於Reflection在info2處停止並嘗試將值設置爲Details類型 - 因爲它是Property EmailAddress的父級。





info2.SetValue(m_objCompany, objValue, null); 



public void Bar(object m_objCompany) 
     foreach (PropertyInfo info in m_objCompany.GetType().GetProperties()) 
      if (info.PropertyType != typeof(System.String)) 
       // Somehow create the outer property 
       object outerPropertyValue = info.PropertyType.GetConstructor(new Type[] { }).Invoke(new object[] { }); 

       foreach (PropertyInfo info2 in info.PropertyType.GetProperties()) 
        if ("blah" == "blah") 
         if (info2.CanWrite) 
          Object innerPropertyValue = Convert.ChangeType("blah", info2.PropertyType); 
          info2.SetValue(outerPropertyValue, innerPropertyValue, null); 


       info.SetValue(m_objCompany, outerPropertyValue, null); 



令人驚歎。這樣的速度和準確性!萬分感謝!!這就像一個魅力。 – Jeff 2009-11-23 17:14:40


很高興我能幫到你。 – McKay 2009-11-23 17:16:07



Reflector.SetValue(TARGET_OBJECT, "Customer.Details.PhoneNumber", "ValueToSet"); 


using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.ComponentModel; 
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; 
using System.Globalization; 
using System.Reflection; 

namespace YourNamespace 
    public struct ConversionResult 
    public Boolean Success; 
    public object ConvertedValue; 

    public static class Reflector 
    private static BindingFlags DefaultBindings = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic; 
    #region Public Methods 
    /// <summary> 
    /// Execute the "codeToExecute" string on the "source" object 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="source">Object the code should be executed against</param> 
    /// <param name="codeToExecute">Code that should be executed ex. 'Person.Age'</param> 
    /// <returns>The result of execute codeToExecute on source</returns> 
    public static object GetValue(object source, String codeToExecute) 
     ReflectorResult reflectorResult = GetReflectorResult(source, codeToExecute, true, false); 
     if (reflectorResult != null) 
     return reflectorResult.Value; 
     return null; 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Sets the "source" object to the "value" specified in "codeToExecute" 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="source">Object the code should be executed against</param> 
    /// <param name="codeToExecute">Code that should be executed ex. 'Person.Age'</param> 
    /// <param name="value">Value to set the source+codeToExecute to.</param> 
    public static Boolean SetValue(object source, String codeToExecute, object value) 
     return SetValue(source, codeToExecute, value, false); 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Sets the "source" object to the "value" specified in "codeToExecute" 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="source">Object the code should be executed against</param> 
    /// <param name="codeToExecute">Code that should be executed ex. 'Person.Age'</param> 
    /// <param name="value">Value to set the source+codeToExecute to.</param> 
    /// <param name="createIfNotExists">Creates items it cannot find</param> 
    public static Boolean SetValue(object source, String codeToExecute, object value, Boolean createIfNotExists) 
     Boolean executed = true; 

     ReflectorResult reflectorResult = GetReflectorResult(source, codeToExecute, false, createIfNotExists); 
     if (reflectorResult != null) 
     TypeConverter typeConverter = null; 
     PropertyInfo propertyInfo = reflectorResult.MemberInfo as PropertyInfo; 
     if (propertyInfo != null) 
      if (propertyInfo.CanWrite) 
      typeConverter = GetTypeConverter(propertyInfo); 

      ConversionResult conversionResult = ConvertValue(value, propertyInfo.PropertyType, typeConverter); 
      if (conversionResult.Success) 
       propertyInfo.SetValue(reflectorResult.PreviousValue, conversionResult.ConvertedValue, reflectorResult.MemberInfoParameters); 
       executed = false; 
       PentaLogger.LogVerbose("Invalid value: " + value); 
      FieldInfo fieldInfo = reflectorResult.MemberInfo as FieldInfo; 
      if (fieldInfo != null) 
      typeConverter = GetTypeConverter(fieldInfo); 
      ConversionResult conversionResult = ConvertValue(value, fieldInfo.FieldType, typeConverter); 
      if (conversionResult.Success) 
       fieldInfo.SetValue(reflectorResult.PreviousValue, conversionResult.ConvertedValue); 
       executed = false; 
       PentaLogger.LogVerbose("Invalid value: " + value); 
      // both property and field are invalid 
      executed = false; 
     executed = false; 

     return executed; 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Sets the "source" object to the "value" specified in "codeToExecute" 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="source">Object the code should be executed against</param> 
    /// <param name="codeToExecute">Code that should be executed ex. 'Person.Age'</param> 
    /// <param name="value">Value to set the source+codeToExecute to.</param> 
    public static void RunDynamicCode(object source, String codeToExecute) 
     GetReflectorResult(source, codeToExecute, true, false); 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Executes the method on the "source" object with the passed parameters 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="source">Object the code should be executed against</param> 
    /// <param name="methodName">Method to call</param> 
    /// <param name="parameters">Method Parameters</param> 
    public static object ExecuteMethod(object source, String methodName, object[] parameters) 
     if (parameters == null) 
     parameters = new object[0]; 

     MethodInfo[] methodInfos = GetMethods(source, methodName); 

     foreach (MethodInfo methodInfo in methodInfos) 
     object[] convertedParameters = GetParameters(methodInfo, parameters); 
     if (convertedParameters != null) 
      return methodInfo.Invoke(source, convertedParameters); 
     return null; 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Executes the method on the "source" object with the passed parameters 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="source">Object the code should be executed against</param> 
    /// <param name="methodName">Method to call</param> 
    /// <param name="parameter">Method Parameter</param> 
    public static object ExecuteMethod(object source, String methodName, object parameter) 
     return ExecuteMethod(source, methodName, new object[] { parameter }); 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Executes the method on the "source" object with no parameters 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="source">Object the code should be executed against</param> 
    /// <param name="methodName">Method to call</param> 
    public static object ExecuteMethod(object source, String methodName) 
     return ExecuteMethod(source, methodName, null); 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Copies all public properties and fields from source to target 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="source"></param> 
    /// <param name="target"></param> 
    public static void CopyObject(object source, object target) 
     if (source != null && target != null) 
     Type targetType = target.GetType(); 
     Type sourceType = source.GetType(); 

     PropertyInfo[] properties = sourceType.GetProperties(DefaultBindings); 
     foreach (PropertyInfo sourceProperty in properties) 
      PropertyInfo targetProperty = targetType.GetProperty(sourceProperty.Name, sourceProperty.PropertyType); 
      if (targetProperty != null && targetProperty.CanRead && targetProperty.CanWrite) 
      object value = sourceProperty.GetValue(source, null); 
      targetProperty.SetValue(target, value, null); 

     FieldInfo[] fields = sourceType.GetFields(DefaultBindings); 
     foreach (FieldInfo sourceField in fields) 
      FieldInfo targetField = targetType.GetField(sourceField.Name); 
      if (targetField != null && targetField.IsPublic) 
      object value = sourceField.GetValue(source); 
      targetField.SetValue(target, value); 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Convert the object to the correct type 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="value">Value to convert</param> 
    /// <param name="type">Type to convert to</param> 
    /// <returns>Converted value</returns> 
    public static ConversionResult ConvertValue(object value, Type type, TypeConverter typeConverter) 
     ConversionResult conversionResult = new ConversionResult(); 
     conversionResult.Success = false; 
     if (value != null && type != null) 
     Type objectType = value.GetType(); 
     if (objectType == type) 
      conversionResult.Success = true; 
      conversionResult.ConvertedValue = value; 
      // If there is an explicit type converter use it 
      if (typeConverter != null && typeConverter.CanConvertFrom(objectType)) 
       conversionResult.ConvertedValue = typeConverter.ConvertFrom(value); 
       conversionResult.Success = true; 
      catch (FormatException) { } 
      catch (Exception e) 
       if (!(e.InnerException is FormatException)) 
       conversionResult.ConvertedValue = Convert.ChangeType(value, type, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); 
       conversionResult.Success = true; 
      catch (InvalidCastException) { } 
     return conversionResult; 

    public static Boolean CanCreateObect(String classPath, Assembly assembly, params object[] parameters) 
     Boolean canCreate = false; 
     Type type = Type.GetType(classPath); 
     if (type == null) 
     String pathWithAssembly = classPath + ", " + assembly.FullName; 
     type = Type.GetType(pathWithAssembly); 

     if (type != null) 
     foreach (ConstructorInfo ci in type.GetConstructors()) 
      if (ci.IsPublic) 
      ParameterInfo[] constructorParameters = ci.GetParameters(); 
      if (constructorParameters.Length == parameters.Length) 
       for(Int32 i=0; i<constructorParameters.Length; i++) 
       object parameter = parameters[i]; 
       if(parameter == null) 

       ParameterInfo pi = constructorParameters[i]; 
       if (!pi.ParameterType.IsAssignableFrom(parameter.GetType())) 
       canCreate = true; 
     return canCreate; 

    public static object CreateObject(String classPath, Assembly assembly, params object[] parameters) 
     Type type = Type.GetType(classPath); 
     if (type == null) 
     String pathWithAssembly = classPath + ", " + assembly.FullName; 
     type = Type.GetType(pathWithAssembly); 

     if (type == null) 
     return null; 
     return Activator.CreateInstance(type, parameters); 

    #region Private Methods 
    private static ReflectorResult GetReflectorResult(object source, String codeToExecute, bool getLastValue, bool createIfNotExists) 
     ReflectorResult result = new ReflectorResult(source); 

     // Split the code into usable fragments 
     String[] codeFragments = SplitCodeArray(codeToExecute); 
     for (Int32 i = 0; i < codeFragments.Length; i++) 
      // if the value is null we cannot go any deeper so don't waste your time 
      if (result.Value == null) 
      return result; 

      String codeFragment = codeFragments[i]; 
      result.PreviousValue = result.Value; 

      if (codeFragment.Contains("]")) 
      ProcessArray(result, codeFragment, createIfNotExists); 
      else if (codeFragment.Contains(")")) 
      ProcessMethod(result, codeFragment); 
      // For set properties we do not need the last value 
      bool retrieveValue = getLastValue; 
      if (!retrieveValue) 
       // If this is not the last one in the array, get it anyway 
       retrieveValue = i + 1 != codeFragments.Length; 
      ProcessProperty(result, codeFragment, retrieveValue); 
     catch (InvalidCodeFragmentException ex) 
     PentaLogger.LogVerbose("Invalid Property: '" + codeToExecute + "' Invalid Fragment: '" + ex.Message + "'"); 

     return result; 

    private static String[] SplitCodeArray(String codeToExecute) 
     List<String> items = new List<String>(); 

     Int32 parenAndbracketCount = 0; 
     String buffer = ""; 
     foreach (Char c in codeToExecute.ToCharArray()) 
     if (c == '.') 
      if (buffer.Length > 0) 
      buffer = ""; 
     else if (c == '[') 
      if (buffer.Length > 0) 
      buffer = c.ToString(); 
     else if (c == ']' || c == ')') 
      buffer += c; 
      if (buffer.Length > 0) 
      buffer = ""; 
     else if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(c) || Char.IsControl(c)) 
      if (parenAndbracketCount == 0) 
      // Skip it 
      buffer += c; 
     else if (c == '(') 
      buffer += c; 
      buffer += c; 
     if (buffer.Length > 0) 
     return items.ToArray(); 

    private static object[] GetParameters(String codeFragment, MemberInfo memberInfo) 
     String parameters = SplitParametersFromMethod(codeFragment); 
     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters)) 
     return new object[0]; 

     object[] parameterArray = parameters.Split(','); 
     return GetParameters(memberInfo, parameterArray); 

    private static object[] GetParameters(MemberInfo memberInfo, object[] parameterArray) 
     ParameterInfo[] parameterInfo = null; 
     TypeConverter typeConverter = null; 

     PropertyInfo propertyInfo = memberInfo as PropertyInfo; 
     if (propertyInfo != null) 
     parameterInfo = propertyInfo.GetIndexParameters(); 
     typeConverter = GetTypeConverter(parameterInfo[0]); 
     MethodInfo methodInfo = memberInfo as MethodInfo; 
     if (methodInfo != null) 
      parameterInfo = methodInfo.GetParameters(); 

     if (parameterInfo == null) 
     return null; 

     object[] returnParameters = new object[parameterInfo.Length]; 
     for (Int32 i = 0; i < parameterArray.Length; i++) 
     ConversionResult converstionResult = ConvertValue(parameterArray[i], parameterInfo[i].ParameterType, typeConverter); 
     if (converstionResult.Success) 
      returnParameters[i] = converstionResult.ConvertedValue; 
      return null; 
     return returnParameters; 

    private static TypeConverter GetTypeConverter(MemberInfo memberInfo, Type targetType) 
     object[] typeConverters = memberInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TypeConverterAttribute), true); 
     if (typeConverters.Length > 0) 
     TypeConverterAttribute typeConverterAttribute = (TypeConverterAttribute)typeConverters[0]; 
     Type typeFromName = Type.GetType(typeConverterAttribute.ConverterTypeName); 
     if ((typeFromName != null) && typeof(TypeConverter).IsAssignableFrom(typeFromName)) 
      return (TypeConverter)Activator.CreateInstance(typeFromName); 
     return TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(targetType); 

    private static TypeConverter GetTypeConverter(PropertyInfo propertyInfo) 
     return GetTypeConverter(propertyInfo, propertyInfo.PropertyType); 

    private static TypeConverter GetTypeConverter(FieldInfo fieldInfo) 
     return GetTypeConverter(fieldInfo, fieldInfo.FieldType); 

    private static TypeConverter GetTypeConverter(ParameterInfo parameterInfo) 
     return GetTypeConverter(parameterInfo.Member, parameterInfo.ParameterType); 

    private static ArrayDefinition GetArrayDefinition(object value, String codeToExecute) 
     // All IList classes have an Item property except for System.Array. 
     List<MemberInfo> retrieveMemberInfos = new List<MemberInfo>(); 
     foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in value.GetType().GetProperties(DefaultBindings)) 
     if (propertyInfo.Name == "Item") 

     if (retrieveMemberInfos.Count == 0) 
     // We didn't find any Item properties so this is probably an Array. Use the GetValue method 
     foreach (MethodInfo methodInfo in value.GetType().GetMethods(DefaultBindings)) 
      if (methodInfo.Name == "GetValue") 

     // Some members have overloaded this[] methods. Find the correct method. 
     foreach (MemberInfo memberInfo in retrieveMemberInfos) 
     object[] parameters = GetParameters(codeToExecute, memberInfo); 
     if (parameters != null) 
      ArrayDefinition arrayDefinition = new ArrayDefinition(); 
      arrayDefinition.Parameters = parameters; 
      arrayDefinition.RetrieveMemberInfo = memberInfo; 
      return arrayDefinition; 
     return null; 

    private static void ProcessArray(ReflectorResult result, String codeFragment, Boolean createIfNotExists) 
     Int32 failCount = 0; 
     ArrayDefinition arrayDefinition = GetArrayDefinition(result.Value, codeFragment); 
     if (arrayDefinition != null) 
     // If this is anything but System.Array we need to call a Property 
     PropertyInfo propertyInfo = arrayDefinition.RetrieveMemberInfo as PropertyInfo; 
     if (propertyInfo != null) 
      object value = propertyInfo.GetValue(result.Value, arrayDefinition.Parameters); 
      result.SetResult(value, propertyInfo, arrayDefinition.Parameters); 
      catch (TargetInvocationException ex) 
      if (ex.InnerException is ArgumentOutOfRangeException && failCount == 1 && createIfNotExists) 
       if (CreateArrayItem(result, arrayDefinition)) 
       goto SetPropertyInfoValue; 

      // Tried to fix it but failed. Blow up 
      throw new InvalidCodeFragmentException(codeFragment); 
      // System.Array has a Method to call 
      MethodInfo methodInfo = arrayDefinition.RetrieveMemberInfo as MethodInfo; 
      if (methodInfo != null) 
       // We can't support dynamically creating array items 
       object value = methodInfo.Invoke(result.Value, arrayDefinition.Parameters); 
       result.SetResult(value, methodInfo, arrayDefinition.Parameters); 
      catch (TargetInvocationException) 
       throw new InvalidCodeFragmentException(codeFragment); 
     throw new InvalidCodeFragmentException(codeFragment); 

    private static Boolean CreateArrayItem(ReflectorResult result, ArrayDefinition arrayDefinition) 
     Type resultType = result.Value.GetType(); 
     Type containedType = null; 
     if (resultType.IsArray) 
     containedType = resultType.GetElementType(); 
     containedType = resultType.GetGenericArguments()[0]; 

     object newInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(containedType); 
     if (!resultType.IsArray) 
     MethodInfo[] methods = GetMethods(result.Value, "Insert"); 
     foreach (MethodInfo methodInfo in methods) 
      object[] temp = new object[arrayDefinition.Parameters.Length + 1]; 
      arrayDefinition.Parameters.CopyTo(temp, 0); 
      temp[arrayDefinition.Parameters.Length] = newInstance; 

      object[] parameters = GetParameters(methodInfo, temp); 
      if (parameters != null) 
      methodInfo.Invoke(result.Value, parameters); 
      return true; 
     return false; 

    private static void ProcessProperty(ReflectorResult result, String codeFragment, bool retrieveValue) 
     // This is just a regular property 
     PropertyInfo propertyInfo = result.Value.GetType().GetProperty(codeFragment, DefaultBindings); 
     if (propertyInfo != null) 
     object value = result.Value; 
     if (retrieveValue) 
      value = propertyInfo.GetValue(result.Value, null); 
      result.SetResult(value, propertyInfo, null); 
     result.SetResult(value, propertyInfo, null); 
     // Maybe it is a field 
     FieldInfo fieldInfo = result.Value.GetType().GetField(codeFragment, DefaultBindings); 

     if (fieldInfo != null) 
      object value = result.Value; 
      if (retrieveValue) 
      value = fieldInfo.GetValue(result.Value); 
      result.SetResult(value, fieldInfo, null); 
      // This item is missing, log it and set the value to null 
      throw new InvalidCodeFragmentException(codeFragment); 

    private static void ProcessMethod(ReflectorResult result, String codeFragment) 
     // This is just a regular property 
     String methodName = codeFragment.Substring(0, codeFragment.IndexOf('(')); 
     MethodInfo[] methodInfos = GetMethods(result.Value, methodName); 

     foreach (MethodInfo methodInfo in methodInfos) 
     object[] parameters = GetParameters(codeFragment, methodInfo); 
     if (parameters != null) 
      object value = methodInfo.Invoke(result.Value, parameters); 
      result.SetResult(value, null, null); 

    private static String SplitParametersFromMethod(String codeFragment) 
     char startCharacter = '['; 
     char endCharacter = ']'; 

     if (codeFragment.EndsWith(")", StringComparison.CurrentCulture)) 
     // This is a function 
     startCharacter = '('; 
     endCharacter = ')'; 

     Int32 startParam = codeFragment.IndexOf(startCharacter) + 1; 
     if (startParam < 1) 
     return null; 

     Int32 endParam = codeFragment.IndexOf(endCharacter); 
     if (endParam < 0) 
     return null; 

     return codeFragment.Substring(startParam, endParam - startParam).Trim(); 

    private static MethodInfo[] GetMethods(object value, String methodName) 
     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(methodName)) 
     throw new ArgumentNullException("methodName"); 

     if (value == null) 
     return new MethodInfo[0]; 

     List<MethodInfo> methodInfos = new List<MethodInfo>(); 
     foreach (MethodInfo methodInfo in value.GetType().GetMethods(DefaultBindings)) 
     if (methodInfo.Name == methodName) 
     return methodInfos.ToArray(); 

    #region Helper Classes 
    private class ArrayDefinition 
     public MemberInfo RetrieveMemberInfo { get; set; } 

     public object[] Parameters { get; set; } 

    private class ReflectorResult 
     public ReflectorResult(object startValue) 
     SetResult(startValue, null, null); 
     public MemberInfo MemberInfo { get; private set; } 
     public object[] MemberInfoParameters { get; private set; } 
     public object PreviousValue { get; set; } 
     public object Value { get; private set; } 

     public void SetResult(object value, MemberInfo memberInfo, object[] memberInfoParameters) 
     Value = value; 
     MemberInfo = memberInfo; 
     MemberInfoParameters = memberInfoParameters; 

     public void Clear() 
     MemberInfo = null; 
     Value = null; 
     PreviousValue = null; 

    [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1064:ExceptionsShouldBePublic")] 
    [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1032:ImplementStandardExceptionConstructors")] 
    private class InvalidCodeFragmentException : Exception 
     public InvalidCodeFragmentException(String invalidFragment) 
     : base(invalidFragment) 


這可能已經工作,但似乎並沒有在.NET 1.1中編譯,這是我目前被迫使用的,以便與項目的其餘部分兼容。它看起來很有趣。 – Jeff 2009-11-23 18:36:16


@ShaunBowe +1。但似乎您忘記了ConversionResult定義 – 2012-06-07 20:38:50


@ShaunBowe,您需要添加ConversionResult類。 – Justin 2013-06-25 16:39:46