2017-02-24 60 views



public class Server extends Application { 
/** Variables */ 
private TextArea textArea = new TextArea(); 
private double rate; 
private int year; 
private double loan; 

public void start(Stage serverStage) 
    // Creating server GUI 
    Scene scene = new Scene(new ScrollPane(textArea), 400, 200); 

    new Thread(() ->{ 

      // create server socket 
      ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(8000); 
      textArea.appendText("Server started at " + new Date() + "\n"); 

       // listen for a connection request 
       Socket socket = serverSocket.accept(); 

       Platform.runLater(() -> { 
        InetAddress inetAddress = socket.getInetAddress(); 
        textArea.appendText("Connected to " + inetAddress.getHostAddress() + " at " + new Date() + "\n"); 

       // create and start a new thread for every connection 
       new Thread(new HandleAClient(socket)).start(); 

     catch(IOException ex) 

class HandleAClient implements Runnable { 

    private Socket socket; // A connected socket 
    private double rate; 
    private int year; 
    private double loan; 

    /** costruct a thread */ 
    public HandleAClient(Socket socket) 
     this.socket = socket; 

    /** run a thread */ 
    public void run(){ 
      // create data input and output streams 
      DataInputStream inputFromClient = new DataInputStream(socket.getInputStream()); 
      DataOutputStream outputToClient = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream()); 

      // continuously serve the client 
      while(true) { 
       // read data from client 

       rate = inputFromClient.readDouble(); 
       year = inputFromClient.readInt(); 
       loan = inputFromClient.readDouble(); 

       // calculate monthly payment of loan and total payment 

       outputToClient.writeDouble(calculateMonthlyPayment(rate, year, loan)); 
       outputToClient.writeDouble(calculateTotalPayment(rate, year, loan)); 

       Platform.runLater(() -> { 
        textArea.appendText("The rate is : " + rate + "\n"); 
        textArea.appendText("The number of years is: " + year + "\n"); 
        textArea.appendText("Loan amount is: " + loan + "\n\n");}); 

     catch(IOException e) 

// calculateMonthlyPayment method calculates the monthly payment of a loan given 
// the required information 

public double calculateMonthlyPayment(double interestRate, int years, double loanAmt) 
    double monthlyRate; 
    int termInMonths; 
    double monthlyPayment; 

    // Convert the interest rate to a decimal 
    interestRate = interestRate/100; 

    // convert annual interest rate to monthly interest rate 
    monthlyRate = interestRate/12; 

    // calculate the term in months which is years * 12 
    termInMonths = years * 12; 

    monthlyPayment = (loanAmt*monthlyRate)/(1-Math.pow(1+monthlyRate, -termInMonths)); 

    return monthlyPayment; 

// method that calculates and returns the total payment of the loan 
public double calculateTotalPayment(double rate, int year, double loan) 
    double totalPayment; 
    double monthlyPay; 

    monthlyPay = calculateMonthlyPayment(rate, year, loan); 

    totalPayment = monthlyPay * 12 * year; 

    return totalPayment; 




Platform.runLater(() -> { 
        textArea.appendText("The rate is : " + rate + "\n"); 
        textArea.appendText("The number of years is: " + year + "\n"); 
        textArea.appendText("Loan amount is: " + loan + "\n\n");}); 



UPDATE 這是沒有爲我工作的獨立類。我擴展了Server類,並且在Server類中保留了TextArea字段。

class HandleAClient extends Server implements Runnable { 

private Socket socket; // A connected socket 
private double rate; 
private int year; 
private double loan; 

public HandleAClient(Socket socket) 
    this.socket = socket; 

/** run a thread */ 
public void run(){ 
     // create data input and output streams 
     DataInputStream inputFromClient = new DataInputStream(socket.getInputStream()); 
     DataOutputStream outputToClient = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream()); 

     // continuously serve the client 
     while(true) { 
      // read data from client 

      rate = inputFromClient.readDouble(); 
      year = inputFromClient.readInt(); 
      loan = inputFromClient.readDouble(); 

      // calculate monthly payment of loan and total payment 

      outputToClient.writeDouble(calculateMonthlyPayment(rate, year, loan)); 
      outputToClient.writeDouble(calculateTotalPayment(rate, year, loan)); 

      Platform.runLater(() -> { 
       textArea.appendText("The rate is : " + rate + "\n"); 
       textArea.appendText("The number of years is: " + year + "\n"); 
       textArea.appendText("Loan amount is: " + loan + "\n\n");}); 

    catch(IOException e) 



我不確定我是否理解這個問題。 'HandleAClient'類應該可以獨立運行,只要它能夠訪問它需要訪問的所有'Server'類的字段(真正的內部類和頂級類之間的唯一區別是內部類可以訪問其周圍類的字段)。當你把它作爲一個頂級的類來實現時,你是如何讓它訪問'textArea'的?你可以發佈獨立(頂級)HandleAClient類的完整版本嗎? –


是的,我更新了我原來的帖子,包括沒有工作的班級。基本上我在Server類中保護了textArea字段,並將Server類擴展爲HandleAClient類。 – j2k1218


儘管您在此處更新的文本區域與您在UI中顯示的文本區域不同。你需要更新屬於顯示UI的'Server'實例的那個。 –





class HandleAClient implements Runnable { 

    private Socket socket; // A connected socket 
    private double rate; 
    private int year; 
    private double loan; 

    private final TextArea textArea ; 

    public HandleAClient(Socket socket, TextArea textArea) 
     this.socket = socket; 
     this.textArea = textArea ; 

    /** run a thread */ 
    public void run(){ 
      // create data input and output streams 
      DataInputStream inputFromClient = new DataInputStream(socket.getInputStream()); 
      DataOutputStream outputToClient = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream()); 

      // continuously serve the client 
      while(true) { 
       // read data from client 

       rate = inputFromClient.readDouble(); 
       year = inputFromClient.readInt(); 
       loan = inputFromClient.readDouble(); 

       // calculate monthly payment of loan and total payment 

       outputToClient.writeDouble(calculateMonthlyPayment(rate, year, loan)); 
       outputToClient.writeDouble(calculateTotalPayment(rate, year, loan)); 

       Platform.runLater(() -> { 
        textArea.appendText("The rate is : " + rate + "\n"); 
        textArea.appendText("The number of years is: " + year + "\n"); 
        textArea.appendText("Loan amount is: " + loan + "\n\n");}); 

     catch(IOException e) 


    // listen for a connection request 
    Socket socket = serverSocket.accept(); 

    Platform.runLater(() -> { 
     InetAddress inetAddress = socket.getInetAddress(); 
     textArea.appendText("Connected to " + inetAddress.getHostAddress() + " at " + new Date() + "\n"); 

    // create and start a new thread for every connection 
    new Thread(new HandleAClient(socket, textArea)).start(); 




public class LoanData { 

    private final double rate ; 
    private final int year ; 
    private final double loan ; 

    public LoanData(double rate, int year, double loan) { 
     this.rate = rate ; 
     this.year = year ; 
     this.loan = loan ; 

    public double getRate() { 
     return rate ; 
    public int getYear() { 
     return year ; 
    public double getLoan() { 
     return loan ; 


class HandleAClient implements Runnable { 

    private Socket socket; // A connected socket 

    private final Consumer<LoanData> dataProcessor ; 

    public HandleAClient(Socket socket, Consumer<LoanData> dataProcessor) 
     this.socket = socket; 
     this.dataProcessor = dataProcessor ; 

    /** run a thread */ 
    public void run(){ 
      // create data input and output streams 
      DataInputStream inputFromClient = new DataInputStream(socket.getInputStream()); 
      DataOutputStream outputToClient = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream()); 

      // continuously serve the client 
      while(true) { 
       // read data from client 

       double rate = inputFromClient.readDouble(); 
       double year = inputFromClient.readInt(); 
       double loan = inputFromClient.readDouble(); 

       // calculate monthly payment of loan and total payment 

       outputToClient.writeDouble(calculateMonthlyPayment(rate, year, loan)); 
       outputToClient.writeDouble(calculateTotalPayment(rate, year, loan)); 

       dataProcessor.accept(new LoanData(rate, year, loan)); 

     catch(IOException e) 


Consumer<LoanData> textAreaUpdater = 
    loanData -> Platform.runLater(() -> { 
     textArea.appendText("The rate is : " + loanData.getRate() + "\n"); 
     textArea.appendText("The number of years is: " + loanData.getYear() + "\n"); 
     textArea.appendText("Loan amount is: " + loanData.getLoan() + "\n\n"); 

new Thread(new HandleAClient(socket, textAreaUpdater)).start(); 



謝謝你解決了! – j2k1218
