2015-05-03 36 views






//Get the form value and ID of the database record to update 
$value = $_POST['value']; // Value submitted by a form element (replace this with whatever you want to change) 
$id = $_POST['id']; //ID, could be of the user etc. (this will be a primary key inside the database) (does not have to be submitted via POST, I assume you know this already) 

//Establish a new mysql connection 
$mysqli = new mysqli($db_host,$db_user,$db_pass,$db_name); 

//Set up a query 
$query = "UPDATE table SET column_one=? WHERE id=?"; 

//Prepare the statement 
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare($query); 

//Bind the parameters 
// 'si' = in the order of submitted valurs (column_one=? and id=?) (column_one is s and id is i, s is for string, i is for integer) (this defines what types of variables we are sending) 
$stmt->bind_param('si', $value, $id); 

//Execute the query 
    //Get the amount of affected rows 
    $affected = $stmt->affected_rows(); //Should only be 1, but if your ID or whatever you're using to define which parts of the DB to update is not unique, then it can go higher ofc. 
    //Show success 
    echo "Database updated, $affected rows affected"; 
    //Show error 
    echo "Error, say that this is shown, on stack overflow, as there's obviously something wrong."; 

//Close the stmt/mysqli stuff 


加一個作出乾淨的解釋。 – Shubanker


我很欣賞Subhanker,謝謝。 –