2016-09-19 27 views

這是給我的C語言編程課,我的老師正在使用scanf,我們不能使用任何其他東西。我通過在這個文本文件:https://gist.github.com/cjoshmartin/29bd3365a925ee295da21ae2e917c7e1 我使用的是表彰行的文件中通過這一稱道: 程序1 < lab4text.txt使用scanf讀取C程序中的文本

here is what I am trying to get for output: 

    | SSN | Average | 263? | 
1 | xxxx | xx.xxx% | Y | 
2 | xxxx | xx.xxx% | N | 
3 | xxxx | xx.xxx% | Y | 
4 | xxxx | xx.xxx% | Y | 

here is what is what I currently am getting: 
    | SSN | Average | 263 | 
1 | 2381 | 67.454 % |  Y | 
2 | 0 | -167.040 % |  2 | 
3 | 0 | 3762321554297869312.000 % |  6 | 
4 | 1234 | 81.318 % |  Y | 



#include <stdio.h> 
void main(void){ 

//FILE *file; 
int i = 0; 
int SSN[4] = { 0 }, j; 
char isin263[4]; 
float quizavg[4]; 
float labavg[4]; 
float exam1[4]; 
float exam2[4]; 
float finalexam[4]; 
scanf("%*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s"); 

for (i = 0;i < 4;i++) 
    scanf("%*s %*s %*s"); 
    scanf("%*d-%*d-%d", &SSN[i]); 
    scanf(" %*9s%*c%*c%*c%*c %c %f %f %f %f %f\n", &isin263[i], &quizavg[i], &labavg[i], &exam1[i], &exam2[i], &finalexam[i]); 

    printf("|%5s | %5s | %4d |\n","SSN","Average", 263); 
    for (j = 0;j < 4;j++) 
     //fixed this line 
     printf(" %i | %4d | %5.3f %% | %5c |\n",j+1,SSN[j], (quizavg[j]*0.07)+(labavg[j]*0.24)+((exam1[j]+exam2[j])*0.185)+(finalexam[j]*0.32), isin263[j]); 




請張貼[MCVE] – purplepsycho


的'「%c」'格式(帶或不帶任何修飾符)不會跳過前導空格。嘗試在用於跳過管道字符的'「%* c」'之前在格式字符串中放置一個空格。同時檢查['scanf'](http://en.cppreference.com/w/c/io/fscanf)返回的結果。 –


閱讀每行並不容易,然後解析它們? –




Specifier: %*s%*[ \"]%[^,], %[^\"]\"%s%s%*[ ]%[YN]%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf 
    %*s  - Skips '*' characters at the beginning of each line 
    %*[ \"] - Skips spaces and the opening quote 
    %[^,]  - Gets the Last Name 
    ', '  - Ignores the comma and space 
    %[^\"] - Gets the First Name 
    '"'  - Ignores the closing quote 
    %s  - Gets the SSN 
    %s  - Gets the DOB 
    %*[ ]  - Ignores spaces 
    %[YN]  - Gets the value of the 263? column 
    %lf  - Gets the Quiz-avg 
    %lf  - Gets the Lab-avg 
    %lf  - Gets the Exam#1 
    %lf  - Gets the Exam#2 
    %lf  - Gets the Final Exam 

split * last,first * on'','? (例如'%[^,]'最後) –


已編輯,謝謝。 –


謝謝!無論如何,我只能得到SSN的最後幾位數字? –




char *fmt = " %*[^\"]\"%[^,], %[^\"]\" %s %s %[YN] %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf"; 



#include <stdio.h> 

/* constants for use in your code */ 
enum { YN = 2, DOB = 11, SS = 12, NM = 32 }; 

typedef struct { 
    char last[NM], first[NM], ss[SS], dob[DOB], yn[YN]; 
    double qavg, lavg, ex1, ex2, fex; 
} stnt; 

int main (int argc, char **argv) { 

    stnt s[8] = {{ .first = "" }}; 
    int cnv = 0, n = 0; 
    char *fmt = " %*[^\"]\"%[^,], %[^\"]\" %s %s %[YN] %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf"; 
    FILE *fp = argc > 1 ? fopen (argv[1], "r") : stdin; 

    if (!fp) { /* validate file open for reading */ 
     fprintf (stderr, "error: file open failed '%s'.\n", argv[1]); 
     return 1; 

    /* read each line, if the match-count is 10 increment index */ 
    while ((cnv=fscanf (fp, fmt, s[n].last, s[n].first, s[n].ss, s[n].dob, s[n].yn, 
       &s[n].qavg, &s[n].lavg, &s[n].ex1, &s[n].ex2, &s[n].fex)) != EOF) 
     if (cnv == 10) n++; 

    if (fp != stdin) fclose (fp);  /* close file if not stdin */ 

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) /* output the student information */ 
     printf ("\n student : %s %s\n ss number : %s\n D.O.B. : %s\n" 
       " yes/no : %s\n quiz avg : %.2lf\n lab avg : %.2lf\n" 
       " exam 1 : %.2lf\n exam 2 : %.2lf\n final  : %.2lf\n", 
       s[i].first, s[i].last, s[i].ss, s[i].dob, s[i].yn, s[i].qavg, 
       s[i].lavg, s[i].ex1, s[i].ex2, s[i].fex); 

    return 0; 



#include <stdio.h> 

/* constants for use in your code */ 
enum { YN = 2, DOB = 11, SS = 12, NM = 32, MAXC = 256 }; 

typedef struct { 
    char last[NM], first[NM], ss[SS], dob[DOB], yn[YN]; 
    double qavg, lavg, ex1, ex2, fex; 
} stnt; 

int main (int argc, char **argv) { 

    stnt s[8] = {{ .first = "" }}; 
    int n = 0; 
    char buf[MAXC] = "", 
     *fmt = " %*[^\"]\"%[^,], %[^\"]\" %s %s %[YN] %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf"; 
    FILE *fp = argc > 1 ? fopen (argv[1], "r") : stdin; 

    if (!fp) { /* validate file open for reading */ 
     fprintf (stderr, "error: file open failed '%s'.\n", argv[1]); 
     return 1; 

    /* read each line, if the match-count is 10 increment index */ 
    while (fgets (buf, MAXC, fp)) 
     if (sscanf (buf, fmt, s[n].last, s[n].first, s[n].ss, s[n].dob, s[n].yn, 
       &s[n].qavg, &s[n].lavg, &s[n].ex1, &s[n].ex2, &s[n].fex) == 10) 

    if (fp != stdin) fclose (fp);  /* close file if not stdin */ 

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) /* output the student information */ 
     printf ("\n student : %s %s\n ss number : %s\n D.O.B. : %s\n" 
       " yes/no : %s\n quiz avg : %.2lf\n lab avg : %.2lf\n" 
       " exam 1 : %.2lf\n exam 2 : %.2lf\n final  : %.2lf\n", 
       s[i].first, s[i].last, s[i].ss, s[i].dob, s[i].yn, s[i].qavg, 
       s[i].lavg, s[i].ex1, s[i].ex2, s[i].fex); 

    return 0; 



$ ./bin/rdstudents <dat/lab4text.txt 

student : Christopher Jones 
ss number : 162-74-2381 
D.O.B. : 9/12/1995 
yes/no : Y 
quiz avg : 51.67 
lab avg : 72.50 
exam 1 : 77.00 
exam 2 : 68.50 
final  : 61.00 

student : Sarah Lee Abrahamson 
ss number : 127-49-0853 
D.O.B. : 11/5/1993 
yes/no : N 
quiz avg : 87.10 
lab avg : 79.33 
exam 1 : 64.25 
exam 2 : 84.00 
final  : 72.50 

student : Adreana Parker-Jones 
ss number : 230-38-1234 
D.O.B. : 3/1/1996 
yes/no : Y 
quiz avg : 75.23 
lab avg : 81.04 
exam 1 : 78.50 
exam 2 : 80.00 
final  : 85.25 

student : Joshua Ellis 
ss number : 186-27-1372 
D.O.B. : 7/31/1988 
yes/no : Y 
quiz avg : 85.23 
lab avg : 94.90 
exam 1 : 85.00 
exam 2 : 92.00 
final  : 94.25 

好的工作。我打算回答它,格式是傷害了我的眼睛:)順便說一句,爲什麼你不提倡使用fgets(逐行閱讀)?這將很容易調試,維護。 – blackpen


我在提及'fgets'和'sscanf'時都提到過, intro,但很可惜,有時當數據合法地允許使用'fscanf'本身時,這個例子是值得的。 –


我沒注意你的評論,我剛纔看到它。Upvote +1。 – blackpen