我的項目簡要描述: 我正在寫一個名爲「GreetingsNode」的java類,它在分佈式環境中工作,其中有一個「managementNode」作爲服務存儲庫並接收和存儲其他節點的信息(主機端口號和所提供的服務),並分發由註冊服務提供的方法的RPC。如果一個節點可以回答RPC,則打開一個節點套接字並在主叫節點和應答節點之間建立連接,並且應答節點返回結果。Apache Thrift RPC在分佈式環境中的Java方法實現
我使用Apache thrift作爲IDL和RPC的框架。
現在的問題。 My GreetingsNodeHandler類實現了一個包含單個方法「getHello(user)」(用戶是包含節點名稱的結構,它是GreetingsNode類的構造函數的參數)的簡單節點接口。 當連接到管理節點的GreetingsNode X創建該方法的RPC時,另一個註冊的GreetingsNode必須回答消息「hello X」。
斷言像 的assertEquals(client.getHello(用戶).getMessage(), 「John Doe:您好」)
struct Message {
1: string message
struct User {
1: string name
service GreetingsService {
Message getHello(1: User user)
public class GreetingsServiceHandler implements GreetingsService.Iface {
private static Random random = new Random(10);
private ManagementService.Client managementClient;
private GreetingsService.Client helloClient;
public Message getHello(User user) throws TException {
Message answer = null;
// class ServiceProvider is generated by thrift, part of ManagementService thrift service
ServiceProvider provider = null;
List<ServiceProvider>providers = managementClient.getProvidersForService(user.name);
if (providers.isEmpty())
throw new NoProviderAvailableException(); //separate file contains Exception
else {
provider = providers.get(random.nextInt(providers.size()));
//connection between nodes is established here
TTransport helloTransport = new TSocket(provider.getHostName(), provider.getPort());
TProtocol helloProtocol = new TBinaryProtocol(helloTransport);
helloClient = new GreetingsService.Client(helloProtocol);
// here lies my problem
answer = helloClient.getHello(user);
//if I use this instead, then helloClient variable is clearly not used, but of course I need it to answer the method call
answer = answer.setMessage("Ciao " + user.getName() + ", welcome among us!");
return answer;
public class GreetingsNode implements NodeIface {
private ThriftServer helloServer;
private ManagementService.Client managementClient;
private NodeManifest nodeManifest;
private User user;
private String name;
public GreetingsNode(NodeManifest nodeManifest, String name) {
this.nodeManifest = nodeManifest;
this.helloServer = new ThriftServer(GreetingsServiceHandler.class);
this.name = name;
public void turnOn() throws TException {
TSocket helloServerTransport = new TSocket("localhost", Constants.SERVER_PORT);
TBinaryProtocol helloServerProtocol = new TBinaryProtocol(helloServerTransport);
managementClient = new ManagementService.Client(helloServerProtocol);
this.setUser(new User(name));
helloServer = new ThriftServer(GreetingsServiceHandler.class);
//portNegotiator is a class described in a separate file, that handles the registration of other nodes to the managementNode. NodeManifest is a file generated by thrift, part of managementService thrift file, describing a struct that contains hostname and port number of nodes.
PortNegotiator negotiator = new PortNegotiator(managementClient);
negotiator.negotiate(nodeManifest, helloServer);
public void turnOff() {
public User getUser() {
return user;
public void setUser(User user) {
this.user = user;
你有看過[教程代碼](https:// thrift。apache.org/tutorial/java)? – JensG
當然我做了,我已經實現了一個函數算術計算器,其中「算法節點」應答由另一個節點所做的「executeOperation」方法的調用。 當我使用字符串時,我無法翻譯這種行爲...不知道爲什麼實際上因爲這個概念應該是非常相似,如果不相同 – Gaspare79