function getrandomnumber(min,max,notin)
return min+Math.floor((max-min+1)*Math.random())
function roundnumber(num)
return Math.round(num/10)/100
var a=getrandomnumber(50000,10000,"")
var b=getrandomnumber(10,100,"")
var c=getrandomnumber(50000,10000,"")
var d=getrandomnumber(10,100,"")
var total=(d-b)/(a-c)
var str= "Luis's family decides to rent a hall for her "
var s1= "retirement party. Pin Hall charges $"+a+" for "
var s2= "the hall and $"+b+" per meal. Bloom place "
var s3= "charges $"+c+" for the hall and $"+d+" per "
var s4= "meal. Find the number of guests for which the charges are the same at both halls. "
請仔細閱讀[問]一個很好的問題。我不清楚你的問題是什麼。 –
因爲你的編輯並沒有真正改善這個問題。我仍然不知道你在努力達到什麼目的。 –
簡單地把你的代碼放在一個函數裏都可以調用循環裏面的函數嗎? 'function solution(){/ * code here * /}; for(/ * loop header * /){solution(); }'。 –