2016-12-28 27 views

我試過了所有我能想到的,但無法獲得模型 - > save()方法來實際更新數據庫中的某些列。我的用戶模型看起來像這樣(使用爾康出納):Phalcon save()默默無聞

namespace Vokuro\Models; 

use Phalcon\Mvc\Model; 
use Phalcon\Validation; 
use Phalcon\Cashier\Billable; 
use Phalcon\Validation\Validator\Uniqueness; 

* Vokuro\Models\Users 
* All the users registered in the application 
class Users extends Model 

use Billable; 

* @var integer 
public $id; 

* @var string 
public $name; 

* @var string 
public $email; 

* @var string 
public $password; 

* @var string 
public $mustChangePassword; 

* @var string 
public $profilesId; 

* @var string 
public $banned; 

* @var string 
public $suspended; 

* @var string 
public $active; 

* @var string 
public $stripe_id; 

* @var string 
public $card_brand; 

* @var string 
public $card_last_four; 

* @var string 
public $trial_ends_at; 

* Before create the user assign a password 
public function beforeValidationOnCreate() 
    if (empty($this->password)) { 

     // Generate a plain temporary password 
     $tempPassword = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', base64_encode(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(12))); 

     // The user must change its password in first login 
     $this->mustChangePassword = 'Y'; 

     // Use this password as default 
     $this->password = $this->getDI() 
    } else { 
     // The user must not change its password in first login 
     $this->mustChangePassword = 'N'; 

    // The account must be confirmed via e-mail 
    // Only require this if emails are turned on in the config, otherwise account is automatically active 
    if ($this->getDI()->get('config')->useMail) { 
     $this->active = 'N'; 
    } else { 
     $this->active = 'Y'; 

    // The account is not suspended by default 
    $this->suspended = 'N'; 

    // The account is not banned by default 
    $this->banned = 'N'; 


* Send a confirmation e-mail to the user if the account is not active 
public function sendConfirmationEmail() 
    // Only send the confirmation email if emails are turned on in the config 
    if ($this->getDI()->get('config')->useMail) { 

     if ($this->active == 'N') { 

      $emailConfirmation = new EmailConfirmations(); 

      $emailConfirmation->usersId = $this->id; 

      if ($emailConfirmation->save()) { 
        ->notice('A confirmation mail has been sent to ' . $this->email); 


* Validate that emails are unique across users 
public function validation() 
    $validator = new Validation(); 

    $validator->add('email', new Uniqueness([ 
     "message" => "The email is already registered" 

    return $this->validate($validator); 

public function subscription() 
    $users = Users::find(); 
    $user = $users->getLast(); 
    $result = $user->newSubscription('main', '2017 Online Individual')->create($this->getTestToken()); 
    return $result; 

protected function getTestToken() 
    return \Stripe\Token::create([ 
     'card' => [ 
      'number' => '4242424242424242', 
      'exp_month' => 5, 
      'exp_year' => 2020, 
      'cvc' => '123', 
    ], ['api_key' => 'sk_test_98CUmA7w2JTAp25qVyMZweM9'])->id; 

public function initialize() 

    $this->belongsTo('profilesId', __NAMESPACE__ . '\Profiles', 'id', [ 
     'alias' => 'profile', 
     'reusable' => true 

    $this->hasMany('id', __NAMESPACE__ . '\SuccessLogins', 'usersId', [ 
     'alias' => 'successLogins', 
     'foreignKey' => [ 
      'message' => 'User cannot be deleted because he/she has activity in the system' 

    $this->hasMany('id', __NAMESPACE__ . '\PasswordChanges', 'usersId', [ 
     'alias' => 'passwordChanges', 
     'foreignKey' => [ 
      'message' => 'User cannot be deleted because he/she has activity in the system' 

    $this->hasMany('id', __NAMESPACE__ . '\ResetPasswords', 'usersId', [ 
     'alias' => 'resetPasswords', 
     'foreignKey' => [ 
      'message' => 'User cannot be deleted because he/she has activity in the system' 


創建條紋用戶/預約並返回客戶ID(stripe_id),最後4(card_last_four)等之後... ,這個函數,我想在轉發到IndexController之前將所有這些保存到SessionController中的數據庫中。

public function subscribeAction($user) 

    $subscribe = $user->subscription(); 


    return $this->dispatcher->forward([ 
     'controller' => 'index', 
     'action' => 'index' 


if ($user->save($_POST) === false) { 
    $messages = $user->getMessages(); 

    $errorMsg = ''; 
    foreach ($messages as $message) { 
     $errorMsg . "{$message} <br>"; 
    $this->flashSession->error("Error: $errorMsg"); 


$user = $this->auth->getUser(); 

$user->stripe_id = "123"; 


嘗試使用'var_dump($ user-> save()); die;'轉儲保存結果並查看錯誤消息的內容 – Timothy


它只是給出了一個布爾值true。 – ace


這對我來說是一種奇怪的部分。沒有例外或錯誤。它只是沒有做它應該做的事情。 – ace




<?php $this->flashSession->output() ?> 

我這樣做,並得到「trial_ends_at是必需的」。所以,我進去並手動將該變量設置爲保存之前的當前時間戳。 – ace


它刪除了錯誤,但沒有解決問題 – ace


很難說完全是怎麼回事,但它幾乎在我看來像你在一個未提交的數據庫事務。您說在創建帳戶時字段正在保存,但在作爲收銀員的一部分調用收費特徵的方法後,這些字段不會被保存。另外save()方法返回true,這意味着Phalcon 認爲記錄被保存。我沒有看到任何明確開始交易的收銀員代碼,儘管我沒有深入瞭解。


use Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Transaction\Manager as TxManager;


public function subscribeAction($user) 
    $manager = new TxManager(); 

    // Request a transaction 
    $transaction = $manager->get(); 

    $subscribe = $user->subscription(); 



    return $this->dispatcher->forward([ 
     'controller' => 'index', 
     'action' => 'index' 


This page有更多關於如何使用Phalcon交易的細節。


所以,我實現了這一點,並拋出了提交的結果,這是一個布爾值TRUE。仍然在數據庫中獲得NULL。也許我沒有正確地初始化模型或其他東西。 – ace


您試圖插入的值是否添加到$ user對象?你說你在數據庫中得到了空值。在保存之前轉儲您期望看到的實際值,例如'echo $ user-> stripe_id'。從你的另一篇文章中,我以爲你根本沒有在數據庫中找到任何東西。 –


下面是我跑的: 'public function subscribeAction($ user) { $ manager = new TxManager();要求交易 $ transaction = $ manager-> get(); $ subscribe = $ user-> subscription(); $ dump = $ subscribe-> stripe_id; var_dump($ dump); $ subscribe-> save(); $ trans = $ transaction-> commit(); 退出; return $ this-> dispatcher-> forward([ 'controller'=>'index', 'action'=>'index' ]); }' subscription()函數返回用戶對象。轉儲提供了正確的值,但仍然在數據庫中爲NULL。 – ace
