2015-06-17 48 views

我想洗牌像這樣的列表: -算法洗牌的列表,以儘量減少等於鄰居

to_shuffle = [ a, b, b, b, b, a, c, b, a, b ] 

,以儘量減少重複元素的數量。起初,我對彈出元素斷to_shuffle頂部,要麼 推動他們到另一個列表shuffled如果元素是從以前壓元素 不同,否則將其推到 底部to_shuffle並嘗試其他元素 思想。這將導致在 : -

shuffled = [ a, b, a, c, b, a, b, b, b, b ] 

,其在這個例子中,是沒有任何好轉 - 仍有4b的一排(雖然這方法有時降低重複元件)。

我當時以爲是通過使剷鬥每類 元素的開始: -

buckets = [ (a, [a, a, a]), (b, [b, b, b, b, b, b]), (c, [c]) ] 


buckets = [ (b, [b, b, b, b, b, b]), (a, [a, a, a]), (c, [c]) ] 


last = None 

循環通過桶,從最大,流行過的 元素,如果不等於last,訴諸桶,做一遍: -

sorted = [ b ] 

buckets = [ (b, [b, b, b, b, b]), (a, [a, a, a]), (c, [c]) ] 
last = b 

sorted = [ b, a ] 

buckets = [ (b, [b, b, b, b, b]), (a, [a, a]), (c, [c]) ] 
last = a 

sorted = [ b, a, b ] 

buckets = [ (b, [b, b, b, b]), (a, [a, a]), (c, [c]) ] 
last = b 

sorted = [ b, a, b, a ] 

buckets = [ (b, [b, b, b, b]), (a, [a]), (c, [c]) ] 
sorted = [ b, a, b, a, b, a, b, c, b, b ] 



下面是一些比較僞劣代碼: -

test = [ 'a', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'a', 'c', 'b', 'a', 'b' ] 
expected = [ 'b', 'a', 'b', 'a', 'b', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'b', 'b' ] 

def sort_buckets(buckets): 
    return sorted(buckets, key=lambda x: len(x[1]), reverse=True) 

def make_buckets(to_shuffle): 
    h = {} 
    buckets = [] 
    for e in to_shuffle: 
     if e not in h: 
      h[e] = [] 
    for k, elems in h.iteritems(): 
     buckets.append((k, elems)) 
    return buckets 

def shuffle(to_shuffle): 
    buckets = make_buckets(to_shuffle) 
    shuffled = [] 
    last = '' 
    while len(buckets) > 1: 
     buckets = sort_buckets(buckets) 
     for i in range(len(buckets)): 
      candidate = buckets[i][0] 
      if candidate == last: 
      t = buckets.pop(i) 
      last = candidate 
      if len(t[1]) > 1: 
       buckets.append((t[0], t[1][:-1])) 
    t = buckets.pop() 
    shuffled += t[1] 
    return shuffled 

print expected 
print shuffle(test) 

是隨機性部分的要求?你試圖實現的並不是真正的洗牌,而是避免連續出現同一個字符...... – Zoomzoom


不,如你所說,避免連續出現的同一個字符是目標,而不是隨機性。它不洗牌嗎?你會怎麼稱呼它? – jah


我稱之爲「無重複重排」......當你「洗牌」一副牌時,你是否期待隨機性,或者你是否通過牌來確保牌的順序是你想要的? – Zoomzoom





在這裏你將要填寫在第二遍開始在左邊的情況下:{a,a,b,b,c,c} =>{a,_,a,_,b,_},現在如果我們從正確填寫,我們會得到一個重B,所以我們從左邊重新開始: {a,b,a,c,b,c}


這個算法有一個名字嗎?它沒有回答這個問題,但它確實很美。謝謝。 – jah


我很確定,從左側重新開始填補偶數職位總是至少一樣好,有時甚至比右側的「折回」要好。從左側重新開始,唯一的情況下,你將得到相鄰的平等對,如果有一個元素的頻率> RoundUp(n/2)(即絕大多數),然後你得到儘可能少的(即不可避免的)數量,因爲任何頻率較低的元素都無法纏繞到足以「觸摸其尾部」的位置。隨着從右側折回,您可以獲得更多。 –


在我給出的第一個例子中,從左邊開始給出兩個相鄰的相同對,但從左側開始只給出一個。不過,這看起來似乎是唯一的例子。也許如果我開始'{_,b,_,b,_,b,_,b,_,b}'總是從左邊開始,但是如果總共有奇數的元素戰略可能無法完美解決。 –



from collections import Counter 

def careful_shuffle(lst): 
    '''Returns a new list based on a given iterable, with the elements shuffled 
    such that the number of duplicate consecutive elements are minimized.''' 

    c = Counter(lst) 
    if len(c) < 2: 
     # Return early if it's trivial. 
     return lst 

    output = [] 
    last = None 
    while True: 
     # All we need are the current 2 most commonly occurring items. This 
     # works even if there's only 1 or even 0 items left, because the 
     # Counter object will still return the requested number of results, 
     # with count == 0. 
     common_items = c.most_common(2) 
     avail_items = [key for key, count in common_items if count] 

     if not avail_items: 
      # No more items to process. 

     # Just reverse the list if we just saw the first item. This simplies 
     # the logic in case we actually only have 1 type of item left (in which 
     # case we have no choice but to choose it). 
     if avail_items[0] == last: 

     # We've found the next item. Add it to the output and update the 
     # counter. 
     next_item = avail_items[0] 
     c[next_item] -= 1 
     last = next_item 

    return output 

謝謝,這確實使它更清晰。你的實現產生了預期的元素序列,而最後的'a'和'c'元素在我的內部互換。它有一個名字嗎? – jah


@jah:不幸的是,並不是我所知道的。 – voithos