2016-06-09 22 views


Dim Codes As New Dictionary(Of String, String) From { 
    {"Example 1", "E1"}, 
{"Example 2", "E2"}, 
{"Example n", "En"}, 
{"Not an example", "NE"}, 
{"Deez Nuts", "DN"}, 
{"MLG Noscopers", "MN"}, 
{"I <3 Stack Overflow", "SO"}, 
{"Stuff", "S"}, 
{"Jon Skeet is OP", "JS"}, 
{"Community is a bot", "CB"}, 
{"Jeff Atwood's icon is creepy", "JA"}, 
{"Meta.meta.meta.meta.meta.stackoverflow.com", "MM"}, 
{"Jon Skeet <> John Cena", "JC"}, 
{"I wanna downvote comments", "DC"}, 
{"not just reporting them", "NJ"}, 
{"ur still reading this?", "UR"}, 
{"go to youareanidiot.org :)", "YI"}, 
{"copy me", "CM"}, 
{"Déjà vu.", "DV"}, 
{"Déjà vu?", "DV_"}, 
{"Déjà vu!", "DV__"}, 
{"Let's loop MLG can can on youtube", "CC"}, 
{"Or Darude - Dankstorm", "DD"}, 
{"I am red", "IR"}, 
{"Imma shut up for now", "IM"}} 

您的'詞典'有三次作爲密鑰的'Déjàvu?',這是無效的,因爲這些密鑰應該是唯一的。也許你的意思是用短格式作爲關鍵詞,而短語作爲價值觀? –


@Robin糟糕...編輯了代碼。 – Happypig375


你爲什麼不簡單地循環鍵(或值)? – genespos



只是循環它沒有Select Case s,沒有嵌套類和單個函數(最後算出來了):

Friend Function ConvertCode(Input As String, ToCode As Boolean) As String 
    Dim Codes As New Dictionary(Of String, String) From { 
     {"Example 1", "E1"}, 
     {"Example 2", "E2"}, 
     {"Example n", "En"}, 
     {"Not an example", "NE"}, 
     {"Deez Nuts", "DN"}, 
     {"MLG Noscopers", "MN"}, 
     {"I <3 Stack Overflow", "SO"}, 
     {"Stuff", "S"}, 
     {"Jon Skeet is OP", "JS"}, 
     {"Community is a bot", "CB"}, 
     {"Jeff Atwood's icon is creepy", "JA"}, 
     {"Meta.meta.meta.meta.meta.stackoverflow.com", "MM"}, 
     {"Jon Skeet <> John Cena", "JC"}, 
     {"I wanna downvote comments", "DC"}, 
     {"not just reporting them", "NJ"}, 
     {"ur still reading this?", "UR"}, 
     {"go to youareanidiot.org :)", "YI"}, 
     {"copy me", "CM"}, 
     {"Déjà vu.", "DV"}, 
     {"Déjà vu?", "DV_"}, 
     {"Déjà vu!", "DV__"}, 
     {"Let's loop MLG can can on youtube", "CC"}, 
     {"Or Darude - Dankstorm", "DD"}, 
     {"I am red", "IR"}, 
     {"Imma shut up for now", "IM"}} 
    For Each Pair As KeyValuePair(Of String, String) In Codes 
     If ToCode Then 
      If Pair.Key = Input Then Return Pair.Value 
      If Pair.Value = Input Then Return Pair.Key 
     End If 
    Throw New KeyNotFoundException("Input is unconvertable.") 
End Function 


Public Class PairOfThing 
    Public Property Phrase As String 
    Public Property Key As String 
End Class 

Dim codes As New Dictionary(Of String, PairOfThing) From 
    {"E1", New PairOfThing With {.Phrase = "Example 1", .Key = "E1"}}, 
    {"E2", New PairOfThing With {.Phrase = "Example 2", .Key = "E2"}}, 

Dim data As PairOfThing = codes.Item("E1") 

'Print phrase to console 

我也可以從代碼中得到這個短語嗎? – Happypig375


是的,通過調用'data.Phrase'屬性 – Fabio


等待,我的意思是代碼從短語:) – Happypig375




Public Sub HandleDictionary(ByVal Key As String) 
    Dim Codes As Dictionary(Of String, String) = fnGetDictionary() ' Get Dictionary values 

    If (Codes.ContainsKey(Key)) Then 
     Dim v As New KeyValuePair(Of String, String) 
     v = Codes.First(Function(S) S.Key.Equals(Key)) 
     Console.WriteLine(String.Format("KEY:{0} VALUE:{1} INDEX POSITION:{2}", Key, Codes(Key), Codes.ToList().IndexOf(v))) 
     Console.WriteLine(Key + " not exists.") 
    End If 
End Sub 

' The main method 
Sub Main() 
    Dim m As New myVbClass() 
    m.HandleDictionay("Example 2") 
    m.HandleDictionay("Example 0") 
    m.HandleDictionay("Example n") 
    m.HandleDictionay("Example 0") 
End Sub 

' Function 

Public Function HandleDictionay(ByVal Key As String) As String 
    Dim Codes As Dictionary(Of String, String) = fnGetDictionary() 
    If (Codes.ContainsKey(Key)) Then 
     Dim v As New KeyValuePair(Of String, String) 
     v = Codes.First(Function(S) S.Key.Equals(Key)) 
     Return String.Format("KEY:{0} VALUE:{1} INDEX POSITION:{2}", Key, Codes(Key), Codes.ToList().IndexOf(v)) 
     Return Key + " not exists." 
    End If 
End Function 

Sub Main() 
    Dim m As New myVbClass() 
    Console.WriteLine(m.HandleDictionay("Example 2")) 
End Sub 

查找索引位置使用此Codes.ToList()。IndexOf(v) – King


您可以使它成爲一個函數返回索引,而不是顯示在控制檯?我應該如何訪問子程序之外的代碼? – Happypig375


作爲函數(字符串)更改子例程並返回值。 – King