public static void Question7()
// return the number of words in wordlist ending in "ing"
String longestWordSoFar = " ";
System.out.println("Question 7:");
int numberOfWords = 0; //count of words ending in ing
for(int i = 1; i < WordList.numWords(); i++) // check every word in wordlist
if(noVowel(WordList.word(i))) { // if the length is greater than the previous word, replace it
if(WordList.word(i).length() > longestWordSoFar.length())
System.out.println("longest word without a vowel: " + longestWordSoFar);
public static boolean noVowel(String word) {
//tells whether word ends in "ing"
for(int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) {
//doesnt have a vowel - return true
if (word.charAt(i) != 'a') {
return true;
if (word.charAt(i) != 'e') {
return true;
if (word.charAt(i) != 'i') {
return true;
if (word.charAt(i) != 'o') {
return true;
if (word.charAt(i) != 'u') {
return true;
if (word.charAt(i) != 'y') {
return true;
return false;
因爲你在一個運行循環,又回到'上的第一個非元音字符TRUE'你」我會遇到...... – alfasin