我有一個帶有[bs]字符的文本文件。 [bs]表示退格。所以我想用退格替換[bs]。替換爲退格空字符串
source text: 123[bs]45
result must be :1245
source text: ABC DEF[bs][bs] GHI JKL[bs]
result must be : ABC D GHI JK
我有一個帶有[bs]字符的文本文件。 [bs]表示退格。所以我想用退格替換[bs]。替換爲退格空字符串
source text: 123[bs]45
result must be :1245
source text: ABC DEF[bs][bs] GHI JKL[bs]
result must be : ABC D GHI JK
被修改爲 「[BS]」 規範:
Public Function ReplaceBackslashWithBackspace(ByVal inputText As String) As String
Dim replacementChar As Char = "#" ' ... or any character you are 100% you are not using in inputText
inputText = inputText.Replace("[bs]", replacementChar)
Dim outputStringBuilder As New Text.StringBuilder
For charIndex As Integer = 0 To inputText.Length - 1
If inputText(charIndex) = replacementChar Then
If outputStringBuilder.Length = 0 Then Continue For
outputStringBuilder.Length = outputStringBuilder.Length - 1
End If
Return outputStringBuilder.ToString
End Function
Dim result As String = ReplaceBackslashWithBackspace("ABC DEF[bs][bs] GHI JKL[bs]")
' result = "ABC D GHI JK"
Private Function ReplaceBS(s As String) As String
Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder(s.Length)
For i = 0 To s.Length - 1
If Convert.ToByte(s(i)) = 8 Then
If sb.Length > 0 Then sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1)
End If
Return sb.ToString()
End Function
'ReplaceBS' ...我認爲你是故意的。我喜歡它。 –
對不起,它不起作用,因爲它不是退格字符。它是[bs]。 (有4個字符) –
@JumRemdesk:你應該輸入[bs]爲「[bs]」,並明確地將其稱爲「字符串」[bs]「'。僅僅將它輸入爲[bs]會使大多數有經驗的用戶感到困惑,因爲括號[]用於表示佔位符和特殊字符。 – dotNET
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim str, str1 As String
str1 = ""
str = "ABC DEF[bs][bs] GHI JKL[bs]"
While InStr(str, "[bs]") <> 0
str1 = str.Substring(str.IndexOf("[bs]") + 4)
str = fun(str.Substring(0, str.IndexOf("[bs]")))
str = str & str1
End While
MsgBox(str)' will give the output
End Sub
Public Function fun(ByVal str As String) As String
Return (str.Remove(str.Length - 1, 1))
End Function
Private Sub BSReplace(ByVal xst As String)
xstr = xstr.Replace(xstr.Substring(xstr.IndexOf("[") - 1, 5), String.Empty)
If xstr.Contains("[") Then Call BSReplace(xstr) Else MsgBox(xstr)
End Sub
call Call BSReplace("123[bs]45")
一個簡單的循環可以做到這一點。沒有? – dotNET
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