我正在嘗試製作一個網頁,討論研討會發布內容。我希望該頁面刪除已過期(或研討會發生日期)的研討會 我的表格有3個日期插槽,一個爲月份,一個爲日期,一個爲年份。他們都是桌子上的整數。根據當前日期和表格日期刪除mysql表格行
if(date("Y") > $info['year']) //if the year is old
{ $sql = "DELETE FROM seminars WHERE ID = '$ID'";
mysql_query($sql); } //then delete this seminar
else if(date("Y") == $info['year'] && date("n") > $info['month']) //if we are in the year of the seminar, but the month is now old
{ $sql = "DELETE FROM seminars WHERE ID = '$ID'";
mysql_query($sql);} // then delete this seminar
else if(date("Y") == $info['year'] && date("n") == $info['month'] && date("j") > $info['day']) //if we are in the year of the seminar and the month of the seminar, but the day is old
{ $sql = "DELETE FROM seminars WHERE ID = '$ID'";
mysql_query($sql); } // then delete this seminar
else // if there is no reason to delete the seminar then print out this seminar
「我希望頁面刪除超過其到期日期(或研討會發生日期)的研討會「是否有具體理由說明爲什麼不使用MySQL DATETIME列類型? – u54r
我不知道如何將我從表單中獲取的日期轉換爲該數據類型。 – ForgottenOne
'$ year。 ' - '。 $月。 ' - '。 $ date'給你一個有效的MySQL'DATE'。 – TheWolf