我想提交一個javscript生成的值。 腳本是:爲什麼我的表單不能提交我想要的內容?
var save = function() {
var left = document.getElementById("left"); //Get a select box
var result = document.exchange; //get the form
result.value = ""; //set it's value to ""
for (i = 0; i < right.length; i++) {
result.value = result.value + "," + left.options[i].value; //set it's value to the values of the select box, divided by commas.
result.submit(); //submit the form
"utf8" = > "✓",
"authenticity_token" = > "9gf3upm65ugEhsNvdcaykjdlg7xZbOyTiWJs79SnY3A=",
"timespan_id" = > {
"name" = > ["",
"subgroup_id" = > "369141985"
<%= form_tag(subgroup_change_timespans_path(@subgroup), {
id: 'exchange',
name: 'exchange'
}) do %> <% timespans_array = @subgroup.timespans.all.map { | timespan | [timespan.name, timespan.id]
} %> <%= select(: timespan_id, : name, options_for_select(timespans_array), {}, {: multiple = > true,
: style = > "width: 300px; background-color: #9FE",
: width = > "300",
: size = > 20,
: id = > "left"
}) %> <%= link_to "<<", {
anchor: "",
remote: true
}, {
id: "toleft",
w_command: "add_timespan",
w_auth: form_authenticity_token,
w_controller: "subgroups",
w_id: @subgroup.id.to_s
} %> <%= link_to ">>", {
anchor: "",
remote: true
}, {
id: "toright",
w_command: "rem_timespan",
w_auth: form_authenticity_token,
w_controller: "subgroups",
w_id: @subgroup.id.to_s
} %> <% timespans_array = Timespan.all.map { | timespan | [timespan.name, timespan.id]
} %> <%= select(: timespan_id, : name, options_for_select(timespans_array), {}, {: multiple = > true,
: style = > "width: 300px; background-color: #F99",
: width = > "300",
: size = > 20,
: id = > "right"
}) %> <%= link_to "save", {
anchor: "",
remote: true
}, {
id: "save"
} %> <% end %>
但正如我告訴你: 它只是提出兩個隱藏字段的名稱:
<input name="timespan_id[name][]" type="hidden" value="" />
<input name="timespan_id[name][]" type="hidden" value="" />
我想,有什麼不對的這兩個。但我沒有得到什麼。 你有什麼想法嗎?
@МалъСкрылевъ:它必須這樣。 的形式應該是這樣的:
你有兩個選擇標籤定義:'<%=選擇(:timespan_id,:名稱...' –
如何做一個表單中有一個值 – epascarello
@epascarello:我應該設置什麼值而不是值? – user3383458