2017-07-14 13 views

Typed holes提供了一個找到如何實現某些東西的好方法:如果你知道使用什麼函數,比如說foo,那麼你可以寫出類似foo _ _ _的東西,並讓編譯器告訴你它對每個參數需要什麼類型。這使得查詢任何文檔基本上沒有必要。什麼是快速確定給一個函數輸入多少個孔的方法?




@hnefatl我認爲,在Haskell類別中具有金色徽章的人知道':type'命令... :)但問題是關於爲某些函數找到正確數量參數的快速方法。對我來說,打開'ghci',使用'foo'函數加載模塊,然後打印':t foo'可能會慢得多,只是嘗試添加下劃線並查看運行'ghcid'守護進程的結果。 – Shersh


也許一種快速獲得'foo'類型的方法可能會寫'_ foo'並查看洞的類型。儘管可能有些類似IDE的幫助會更好。 – chi


我同意@chi,你可能想使用IDE功能來做到這一點。輸入'foo'並將其懸停在其上以查看它的類型。我想這仍然需要你認真思考foo的類型和你想要的結果的類型,例如,你會部分應用'foo'。如果你輸入'_'而不是'foo',那麼在什麼情況下ghci建議'foo'的類型是相關的? –





foldr :: Foldable t => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b 
foldr = undefined 


bar :: String -> String 
bar = _1 foldr 

* Found hole: 
    _1 :: ((a0 -> b0 -> b0) -> b0 -> t0 a0 -> b0) -> String -> String 
    Where: `t0' is an ambiguous type variable 
     `b0' is an ambiguous type variable 
     `a0' is an ambiguous type variable 
* In the expression: _ 
    In the expression: _ foldr 
    In an equation for `bar': bar = _ foldr 

* Ambiguous type variable `t0' arising from a use of `foldr' 
    prevents the constraint `(Foldable t0)' from being solved. 
    Probable fix: use a type annotation to specify what `t0' should be. 
    These potential instances exist: 
    instance Foldable (Either a) -- Defined in `Data.Foldable' 
    instance Foldable Maybe -- Defined in `Data.Foldable' 
    instance Foldable ((,) a) -- Defined in `Data.Foldable' 
    ...plus one other 
    ...plus 22 instances involving out-of-scope types 
    (use -fprint-potential-instances to see them all) 



((a0 -> b0 -> b0) -> b0 -> t0 a0 -> b0 ) -> 
    <_1>    <_2> String -> String 


bar :: String -> String 
bar = foldr _1 _2 

* Found hole: _1 :: Char -> String -> String 

* Found hole: _2 :: String 


class C a where foo :: a 
instance C String where 
instance C a => C (Int -> a) where 


bar :: String -> String 
bar = _ foo 

test0.hs:6:7: warning: [-Wtyped-holes] 
    * Found hole: _ :: t0 -> String -> String 
     Where: `t0' is an ambiguous type variable 
    * In the expression: _ 
     In the expression: _ foo 
     In an equation for `bar': bar = _ foo 
    * Relevant bindings include 
     bar :: String -> String (bound at test0.hs:6:1) 

test0.hs:6:9: warning: [-Wdeferred-type-errors] 
    * Ambiguous type variable `t0' arising from a use of `foo' 
     prevents the constraint `(C t0)' from being solved. 
     Probable fix: use a type annotation to specify what `t0' should be. 
     These potential instances exist: 
     instance C a => C (Int -> a) -- Defined at test0.hs:3:10 
     instance C String -- Defined at test0.hs:2:10 
    * In the first argument of `_', namely `foo' 
     In the expression: _ foo 
     In an equation for `bar': bar = _ foo 


bar :: String -> String 
bar = foo . _ 

test0.hs:6:7: warning: [-Wdeferred-type-errors] 
    * Ambiguous type variable `b0' arising from a use of `foo' 
     prevents the constraint `(C (b0 -> String))' from being solved. 
     (maybe you haven't applied a function to enough arguments?) 
     Probable fix: use a type annotation to specify what `b0' should be. 
     These potential instance exist: 
     instance C a => C (Int -> a) -- Defined at test0.hs:3:10 

test0.hs:6:13: warning: [-Wtyped-holes] 
    * Found hole: _ :: String -> b0 
     Where: `b0' is an ambiguous type variable 

現在,它會告訴你有一個潛在的實例,所以你可以猜測,該孔的類型真的應該String -> Int
