2017-06-01 70 views

在linux中,如果我打開終端模擬器並運行命令sudo,它會提示輸入密碼。但隨後的sudo調用不會提示輸入密碼。如果有人在ssh shell中調用passwd,我是否需要sudo作爲sudo?

但是,如果在用戶第一次在終結器模擬器窗口內進行身份驗證之後,用戶的密碼與passwd一起更改會怎樣? sudo是否順利通過,還是需要用戶再次輸入?



取決於配置在/ etc/sudoers文件

通常羯羊它在時間的變化與否,用戶可以調用sudo的長達5分鐘,而無需再次輸入密碼,但可以重新配置在/ etc/sudoers文件

看到男人的sudoers 搜索timestamp_timeout


         Number of minutes that can elapse before sudo will ask for 
         a passwd again. The timeout may include a fractional com‐ 
         ponent if minute granularity is insufficient, for example 
         2.5. The default is 5. Set this to 0 to always prompt 
         for a password. If set to a value less than 0 the user's 
         time stamp will not expire until the system is rebooted. 
         This can be used to allow users to create or delete their 
         own time stamps via 「sudo -v」 and 「sudo -k」 respectively. 


sudoers uses per-user time stamp files for credential caching. Once a user 
has been authenticated, a record is written containing the uid that was used 
to authenticate, the terminal session ID, and a time stamp (using a mono‐ 
tonic clock if one is available). The user may then use sudo without a 
password for a short period of time (5 minutes unless overridden by the 
timestamp_timeout option). By default, sudoers uses a separate record for 
each tty, which means that a user's login sessions are authenticated sepa‐ 
rately. The tty_tickets option can be disabled to force the use of a single 
time stamp for all of a user's sessions. 