2014-06-30 31 views




public bool isAlreadyValidTriangle(int intAdj, int intOpp, List<Triangle> triangleList) 
    bool breakLoop = false; 
    Int32 length = triangleList.Count; 
    for (int index = 0; index < length && breakLoop != false; index++) 
     //This is to compare an existing adjacent that is stored in the list to the 
     //supplied opposite, this is to prebent the 3, 4, 5 and 4, 3, 5 issue 
     var response = triangleList.Find(r => r.IntAdjacent == intOpp); 

     if (response !=null) 
      //This is to compare an existing opposite that is stored in the list to the 
      //supplied adjacent, this is to prebent the 3, 4, 5 and 4, 3, 5 issue 
      var otherResponse = triangleList.Find(r => r.IntOpposite == intAdj); 

      if (otherResponse != null) 
       breakLoop = true; 
    return breakLoop; 


public class Triangle 
    private int intAdjacent; 
    private int intOpposite; 
    private int intHypotenuse; 

    public Triangle(int intAdjacent, int intOpposite, int intHypotenuse) 
     this.intAdjacent = intAdjacent; 
     this.intOpposite = intOpposite; 
     this.intHypotenuse = intHypotenuse; 

    public int IntAdjacent 
     get { return intAdjacent; } 

    public int IntOpposite 
     get { return intOpposite; } 

    public int IntHypotenuse 
     get { return intHypotenuse; } 


public bool isAlreadyValidTriangle(int intAdj, int intOpp, List<Triangle> triangleList) 
    if(triangleList.Any(t => t.IntAdjacent == intAdj && t.IntOpposite == intOpp)) 
     return true; 

    return triangleList.Any(t => t.IntAdjacent == intOpp && t.IntOpposite == intAdj); 


它首先對於其中傳遞的值是符合的比賽,然後反轉搜索: 基思


「我想要做的是在兩側獲得1到20之間的直角三角形的數量。」回頭看看你自己,並認爲一個三角形有三面。這些都不能通過術語「兩者」來解決。您是否在尋找所有面短於20的三角形?列表不是無限的嗎? – spender


你能否澄清你的目標究竟是什麼,你期待什麼結果以及實際問題是什麼? – vesan


由於您的方法有點不對,代碼無法正確工作。說這個,因爲你正在搜索整個列表,可能包含許多帶有值加載的對象,所以Find方法在任何找到它的地方返回一個值,而不是在特定的索引中。您必須改爲比較列表中每個特定索引的值。 – Transcendent





public static bool isAlreadyValidTriangle(this List<Triangle> triangleList, int intAdj, int intOpp) 
    if(triangleList.Any(t => t.IntAdjacent == intAdj && t.IntOpposite == intOpp)) 
     return true; 

    return triangleList.Any(t => t.IntAdjacent == intOpp && t.IntOpposite == intAdj); 



List<Triangle> triangleList = new List<Triangle>(); 
... fill list with triangles ... 

if(triangleList.isAlreadyValidTriangle(adjacent, opposite) 

@Intercendent我不明白你在說什麼。我的代碼不同,因爲它同時比較相鄰和相反。 – DavidG


抱歉誤解了你的代碼,沒錯,我沒有注意到'&&' – Transcendent




using System; 
    using System.Collections.Generic; 
    using System.Linq; 
    using System.Text; 
    using System.Threading.Tasks; 
    using System.Collections; 

    namespace ConsoleApplication1 
    public class Program 
    private static double doubleHypotenuse = 0; 
    private static int adjacent = 1; 
    private static int opposite = 1; 
    private static int limit = 200; 
    private static int count = 0; 

    public static void Main(string[] args) 

     TriangleLogic triLogic = new TriangleLogic(); 
     List<Triangle> triangleList = new List<Triangle>(); 
     List<Triangle> trianglePlus1 = new List<Triangle>(); 

     while (adjacent < limit) 
      opposite = 1; 
      while (opposite < limit) 
       doubleHypotenuse = triLogic.intRightAngle(adjacent, opposite); 
       if (doubleHypotenuse % 1 == 0) 
        if (!triLogic.isAlreadyValidTriangle(adjacent, opposite, triangleList)) 
         triangleList.Add(new Triangle(adjacent, opposite, (int)Convert.ToInt32(doubleHypotenuse))); 


     Console.WriteLine("The following are integer triangles"); 
     triangleList.ForEach(delegate(Triangle pytag) 
      if ((pytag.IntHypotenuse - pytag.IntOpposite) == 1) 
       trianglePlus1.Add(new Triangle(pytag.IntAdjacent, pytag.IntOpposite, pytag.IntHypotenuse)); 
      Console.WriteLine(pytag.IntAdjacent + ", " + pytag.IntOpposite + " and " + pytag.IntHypotenuse); 

     Console.WriteLine("the number of squares is " + count); 
     Int32 length = triangleList.Count; 
     Console.WriteLine("the length of the list is " + length); 

     Console.WriteLine("the List of triangles with the hypotenuse 1 "); 
     Console.WriteLine("more than the opposite"); 

     trianglePlus1.ForEach(delegate(Triangle pytagPlus1) 
      Console.WriteLine(pytagPlus1.IntAdjacent + ", " + pytagPlus1.IntOpposite + " and " + pytagPlus1.IntHypotenuse); 

     Int32 lengthPlus1 = trianglePlus1.Count; 
     Console.WriteLine("the length of the list is " + lengthPlus1); 



public class Triangle 
    private int intAdjacent; 
    private int intOpposite; 
    private int intHypotenuse; 

    public Triangle(int intAdjacent, int intOpposite, int intHypotenuse) 
     this.intAdjacent = intAdjacent; 
     this.intOpposite = intOpposite; 
     this.intHypotenuse = intHypotenuse; 

    public int IntAdjacent 
     get { return intAdjacent; } 

    public int IntOpposite 
     get { return intOpposite; } 

    public int IntHypotenuse 
     get { return intHypotenuse; } 


public class TriangleLogic 
    private double squareAdjacent = 0; 
    private double squareOpposite = 0; 
    private double squareSum = 0; 

    public TriangleLogic() 


    public double intRightAngle(int intAdjacent, int intOpposite) 
     squareAdjacent = Math.Pow(Convert.ToDouble(intAdjacent), 2); 
     squareOpposite = Math.Pow(Convert.ToDouble(intOpposite), 2); 
     squareSum = squareAdjacent + squareOpposite; 
     return Math.Sqrt(squareSum); 

    public bool isAlreadyValidTriangle(int intAdj, int intOpp, List<Triangle> triangleList) 
     if (triangleList.Any(t => t.IntAdjacent == intAdj && t.IntOpposite == intOpp)) 
      return true; 

     return triangleList.Any(t => t.IntAdjacent == intOpp && t.IntOpposite == intAdj); 



我對我的答案做了另一個編輯。我知道你已經接受,但它一直在竊聽我,我不得不做出改變:) – DavidG