1 class Entity<T> // where id is either an int or Guid
2 {
3 public T Id { get; set; }
4 }
5 interface IRepository<T>
6 {
7 IEnumerable<Entity<T>> ListAll();
8 }
9 class GuidRepository : IRepository<Guid> // this repo deals with Guid type entities
10 {
11 public Entity<Guid> ListAll()
12 {
13 // list all entities
14 }
15 }
16 class Program
17 {
18 private IRepository GetRepository(int someCriteria)
19 {
20 switch (someCriteria)
21 {
22 case 1:
23 return new GuidRepository();
24 ...
25 }
26 }
27 static void Main(string[] args)
28 {
29 Program p = new Program();
30 IRepository repo = p.GetRepository(1);
31 var list = repo.ListAll();
32 }
33 }
Using the generic type requires 1 type arguments
行號有點冗餘.. –
'IRepository'具有'T'參數。你期望編譯器應該做什麼? –
第9行中沒有定義「T」? – JDawg