2017-02-26 76 views


如果有幫助,我想它是這個樣子:W3schools CSS Help Code

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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> 
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<title>DofE:Expedition Aim</title> 
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     \t \t <ul> 
     \t \t \t <li><a href="index.html">Home</a></li> 
        <li><a href="page_1.html">Our Aim</a></li> 
        <li><a href="page_2.html">How we acheived it</a></li> 
        <li><a href="page_3.html">Extra info (tbd)</a></li> 
     \t \t </ul> 
     \t </div><!-- nav close tag --> 
      <div class = "clearfix"> 
      <div class = "main"> 
      <p>This page shows what happened on out DofE expedition and the things that we did when not on expedition.</p> 
      <p>This includes doing map work, fitness and orginising and running events localy.</p> 
      <p>On the following pages, you can find the various evidence to show you what we did and how it benefited us. (or didn't)</p> 
      </div><!-- "main" end tag --> 
      <!--<div id = "main2"> 
      <p>This is a test of a second column that should float to the right of the other.</p> 
      <!-- <div id = "img.1"> 
      <img src="logo.jpg" alt="DofE Logo goes here" height="100" width="73"> 
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\t \t <div id = "footer"> 
\t \t \t <div id = "footer-margin"> 
\t \t \t <p>Copyright &copy; Dom Brown 2017</p> 
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\t \t </div> 


設置你的'content'顯示Flex和刪除列表的寬度 – Roljhon



你需要玩填充等,但這會得到導航和主要內容並排。基本上你有你的clearfix容器包裹在只有nav的全寬。我還將float: left;應用於nav和main。

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\t color: red; 

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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> 
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<title>DofE:Expedition Aim</title> 
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<div id = "container"><!--start container--> 
\t <div id = "header"> 
    <h1>DofE Expedition Aim</h1> 
\t \t <div id = "content" class="clearfix"> 
    \t \t <div id = "nav"><!-- start nav tag --> 
     \t \t <ul> 
     \t \t \t <li><a href="index.html">Home</a></li> 
        <li><a href="page_1.html">Our Aim</a></li> 
        <li><a href="page_2.html">How we acheived it</a></li> 
        <li><a href="page_3.html">Extra info (tbd)</a></li> 
     \t \t </ul> 
     \t </div><!-- nav close tag --> 
      <div class = "main"> 
      <p>This page shows what happened on out DofE expedition and the things that we did when not on expedition.</p> 
      <p>This includes doing map work, fitness and orginising and running events localy.</p> 
      <p>On the following pages, you can find the various evidence to show you what we did and how it benefited us. (or didn't)</p> 
      </div><!-- "main" end tag --> 
      <!--<div id = "main2"> 
      <p>This is a test of a second column that should float to the right of the other.</p> 
      <!-- <div id = "img.1"> 
      <img src="logo.jpg" alt="DofE Logo goes here" height="100" width="73"> 
    \t </div> 
\t \t <div id = "footer"> 
\t \t \t <div id = "footer-margin"> 
\t \t \t <p>Copyright &copy; Dom Brown 2017</p> 
\t \t \t </div> 
\t \t </div> 


我可以問一下clearfix實際上呢?我在看過其他一些網站後說,這是一個好主意。我希望這會幫助你修好它... –


是的。基本上是浮動物品的容器,在默認情況下計算其高度時忽略浮動物品,爲了避免這種情況,我們將clearfix應用於容器,這會「清除」使容器達到所需高度的浮動物。如果您不應用clearfix,您的頁腳將不會位於主容器的底部。如果您想閱讀更多內容,請參閱[本文](https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/clear-fix/) –



    padding: 3px; 
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