如果分隔 「」
String[] strValues = str.split(",");//this is the string u saved in sqlite
/*Use asList method of Arrays class to convert Java String array to ArrayList*/
ArrayList<Publication> aList = new ArrayList<Publication>();
for(i=0; i<strValues.count(); i++)
aList.add(new Publication().setField(strValues[i]));
class Publication{
String field;
public void setField(String f) {
public String getField() {
return field;
for (String value: strValues) {
aList.add(new Publication(value));
class Publication {
private final String input;
public Publication(String input) {
this.input = input;
// not needed but implemented for completeness
public static Publication parse(String input) {
return new Publication(input);
檢查: 你不會成爲能夠插入ArrayList中直接進入sqlite的。相反,你可以使用JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject)來插入ArrayList。請在下面檢查,並給它一個鏡頭....
//Add values to arraylist item
ArrayList<Publication> item = new ArrayList<Publication>();
item.add //add the item to array list
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
json.put("uniqueArrays", new JSONArray(items));
String arrayList = json.toString();
Insert the string into db.
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(stringreadfromsqlite);
ArrayList<Publication> items = json.optJSONArray("uniqueArrays");
發佈UR串 – Athul
請的一個例子分享您的代碼 –
你是怎麼保存的數組列表?在每個字符串之後添加逗號(,)? –