2014-03-14 33 views



putStrLn 「\ nSelected選項:」

main :: IO() 
main = do contents <- readFile "films.txt"; 
      let database = (read contents :: [Film]) 
      putStrLn "Please enter your name:"; 
      name <- getLine; 
      putStrLn ("Hello " ++ name ++ "!"); 
      menu database 
      where menu newDb = do putStrLn "\nWhat would you like to do?"; 
           putStrLn "1 -> Add a film"; 
           putStrLn "2 -> Display all films"; 
           putStrLn "3 -> Display all films by director's name"; 
           putStrLn "4 -> Display the films of an average website rating"; 
           putStrLn "5 -> Display the average rating of the films of a particular actor"; 
           putStrLn "6 -> Show the films you have rated, with the rating"; 
           putStrLn "7 -> Rate or ReRate a film"; 
           putStrLn "8 -> Display films released during or after a year, sorted in descending order of rating"; 
           putStrLn "9 -> Exit & Save"; 
           putStrLn "\nSelected option: " 
           option <- getLine 
           case option of 
            "1" -> do putStr "Name of Film: " 
              title <- getLine 
              putStr "Name of the Director: " 
              director <- getLine 
              putStr "Year the film was released: " 
              year <- getLine 
              putStrLn (map formatFilmOutput $ addFilm title director (read year) [] newDb) 
            "2" -> do putStrLn (displayAllFilm newDb) >> menu newDb 

我得到一個不同的錯誤,當我嘗試,它的上線'標題< - getLine'。你碰巧在你的編輯器中使用了標籤嗎? Haskell允許混合它們,但是標籤不一定像你在編輯器中看到的那樣被解析。 – bheklilr


是的,我可以在幾行上使用空格。只是再次測試它,當註釋掉一切似乎都很好,但是當添加解析錯誤時會再次出現。 – user3411002


查找編輯器中用空格替換製表符的設置。我保證它會讓事情變得更簡單。它就像Python一樣,可以使用選項卡,但人們最終會遇到解析錯誤。 – bheklilr



「我試着用製表和空格但沒有成功縮進。 「 - 這是你的問題。找到一個編輯器,在保存文件時,將製表符替換爲空格;或將您的製表位設置爲8個字符。


Tab stops are 8 characters apart. 