2017-06-23 50 views



[[X:]\]      'Including an empty string. 
\\server name\    'Including \\\ 



[folder name\]*folder name[\] 



^        'At the beginning of the string must appear 
    (      'either 
     \\{2}     '2 backslashes 
     [^/\\\:\*\?\<\>\|]+ 'followed by a server name 
     (\\|/)    'and a slash, 
    |       'or 
     (     'a sequence of 
      (\.{2})   '2 dots 
      (\\|/)   'followed by a slash 
     )+     'which may occur at least one time 
    |       'or 
     [A-Za-z]    'a drive letter 
     \:     'followed by a colon 
     (\\|/)    'and a slash 
    |       'or 
     (\\|/)    'simply a slash 
    )?      'or nothing at all; 
(       'followed by a sequence of 
    [^/\\\:\*\?\<\>\|]+  'a folder name 
    (\\|/)     'followed by a slash 
)*       'which may occur multiple times 
[^/\\\:\*\?\<\>\|]+   'The last folder needs no final slash 
(\\|/)?      'but may have one. 


Private Function IsDirValid(sFile As String) As Boolean 
    Dim sPattern As String = "^[^/\\\:\*\?\<\>\|]+(\\|/)" & 
           "|((\.{2})(\\|/))+" & 
           "|[A-Za-z]\:(\\|/)" & 
           "|(\\|/)" & 
          ")?" & 
          "([^/\\\:\*\?\<\>\|]+(\\|/))*" & 
    Dim oMatch As Match = Regex.Match(sFile, sPattern) 

    'Debug.Print("""" & sFile & """ returns """ & oMatch.Value & """") 

    Return (sFile = oMatch.Value) 
End Function 


path name[/] 
path name/path name/path name[/] 
/path name[/] 
/path name/path name/path name[/] 
../../path name[/] 
../../path name/path name/path name[/] 
c:/path name[/] 
c:/path name/path name/path name/file name[/] 
\\server name/path name[/] 
\\server name\path name\path name\path name[/] 


我唯一的問題是現在,每個path name確實允許開頭和結尾的空白。 這是不允許的路徑名稱。但是,「名義」空白是允許的。


[^/\\\:\*\?\<\>\|\ ][^/\\\:\*\?\<\>\|]*[^/\\\:\*\?\<\>\|\ ] 




唉,在regex quick reference guide我無法爲我的問題找到合適的量詞。



請參閱[在C#中驗證文件夾名稱](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12688985/validate-folder-name-in-c-sharp),你嘗試['Path.GetInvalidPathChars(path)'] (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.io.path.getinvalidpathchars(v=vs.110).aspx)?對於UNC路徑,[檢查路徑是UNC路徑還是本地路徑的正確方法是什麼](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/520753)。 –


@WiktorStribiżew:謝謝。您建議使用'GetInvalidPathChars'暗示'[^/\\\:\ * \?\ <\> \ | \] [^/\\\:\ * \?\ <\> \ |] + [^/\\ \:\ * \?\ <\> \ | \]'不正確?如果您發現了一個證明使用該功能的缺陷,請讓我知道。當然,這不是一個非常優雅的野獸。我希望有一種量詞,說「不能以空白開始/結束」。一種宏也會有所幫助。 – Herb






(([^/\\\:\*\?\<\>\|\ ][^/\\\:\*\?\<\>\|]*[^/\\\:\*\?\<\>\|\ ])|[^/\\\:\*\?\<\>\|\ ]) 


(1)作爲第一個字符允許不受禁止的字符,但不允許空白,然後允許多個未受禁止的字符(也包括空格),並且作爲最後一個字符允許未受禁止的字符,但不允許w hitespace;




'Test if the provided folder name is potentially valid (it does not need to 
'exist already). 
Private Function IsDirValid(sDir As String) As Boolean 
    'There are two sets of disallowed characters in server, share and folder 
    'names. Leading And trailing whitespace is not allowed, whitespace within 
    'a name is ok. \"" is escaping a single doublequote mark for syntactical 
    'reasons in VB. SLASH is defined just for readability. {DRIVE} and 
    '{LOCALDIR} are used twice each, so they are encoded as well. 
    Const ALLOWBLANKDOT As String = "[^\x00-\x1F/\\\:\*\?\<\>\""\|]" 
    Const FORBIDBLANKDOT As String = "[^\x00-\x1F/\\\:\*\?\<\>\""\|\ \.]" 
    Const SLASH As String = "(\\|/)" 
    Const DRIVE As String = "((\\{2}\?\\)?[A-Za-z]\:)" 
    Const LOCALDIR As String = "({NAME}|\.{1,2}({SLASH}(\.{2}))*)" 

    'Qualify zero-length strings as False. Pathes may be only 260 characters 
    'long, including a terminating NUL character and 12 characters to 
    'specify the short 8.3 DOS name. Because this limit includes also a file 
    'name not evaluated here, at least two characters (for the slash and at 
    'least one file name character) are subtracted also, for a maximum 
    'path length of 245 characters. 
    If sDir.Length = 0 OrElse sDir.Length > 245 Then Return False 

    'The text identifying a single path level is lengthy and appears multiple 
    'times. For clarity, it is presented with {NAME} in a first step, which 
    'is substituted afterwards by an abstraction of which characters can be 
    'used depending on character position. Eventually, the abstractions are 
    'substitued by the proper regex ensuring that names can contain in-name 
    'spaces and dots, but neither leading or trailing spaces nor dots. 
    '{SLASH} is just used for enhanced readability. 
    Dim sPattern As String = "^(\\{2}(\?\\UNC\\)?{NAME}{SLASH}{NAME}" & 
           "|(({DRIVE}{SLASH}?{LOCALDIR}?)" & 
            "|({DRIVE}?{SLASH}?{LOCALDIR}))" & 
           "|{NAME}" & 
          ")?" & 
          "({SLASH}{NAME})*" & 
    sPattern = Replace(sPattern, "{DRIVE}", DRIVE) 
    sPattern = Replace(sPattern, "{LOCALDIR}", LOCALDIR) 
    sPattern = Replace(sPattern, "{NAME}", 
    sPattern = Replace(sPattern, "{ALLOWBLANKDOT}", ALLOWBLANKDOT) 
    sPattern = Replace(sPattern, "{FORBIDBLANKDOT}", FORBIDBLANKDOT) 
    sPattern = Replace(sPattern, "{SLASH}", SLASH) 

    Dim oMatch As Match = Regex.Match(sDir, sPattern) 

    Debug.Print("""" & sDir & """ returns """ & oMatch.Value & """") 

    Return (sDir = oMatch.Value) 
End Function 

這並捕獲所有的以下的,按Microsoft specification for path names

[/]path name[/] 
[/]path name/path name/path name[/] 
./path name[/] 
./../path name/path name/path name[/] 
../path name[/] 
../../path name/path name/path name[/] 
c:path name[/] 
c:path name/path name/path name/file name[/] 
c:/path name[/] 
c:/path name/path name/path name/file name[/] 
c:./path name[/] 
c:./path name/path name/path name/file name[/] 
c:/../path name[/] 
c:/../path name/path name/path name/file name[/] 
\\?\c:path name[/] 
\\server name/share name[/] 
\\server name\share name\path name\path name[/] 
\\?\UNC\server name\share name[/] 
