2013-06-25 69 views

我試圖製作電影,同時通過循環創建幀。這是節省,但只有第一幀(它扮演的是一部電影 - 短片!)我嘗試了各種各樣的東西,無法弄清楚我做錯了什麼。謝謝在Jython/Python中創建電影

def synthesiseFrame(folder): 
    folder =r"D:\FOLDER" 
    for x in range(1,121): 
    for x in range (0,960): 
     for y in range (0,540): 
     r=#some code 
     g=#some code 
     b=#some code 
     color =makeColor (r,g,b) 
     px= getPixel (pic, x, y) 
     setColor(px, color) 

    if x<10: 
     writePictureTo(pic, folder+"\pic00"+numStr+".png") 
    if x >=10 and x<100: 
     writePictureTo(pic, folder+"\pic0"+numStr+".png") 
    if x>=100: 

    return movie 

folder =r"D:\FOLDER" 
writeQuicktime(movie,"D:\FOLDER\movie.mov", 30) 

好吧,睡覺的時間。但那很酷。 +1爲樂趣;)很快見到你。 –


Ouaip,ca marche! A +。戈捷。 –



我第一眼在JES video functions,並在你的代碼告訴我喜歡的事(完整的工作示例):

import os 
import random 

def synthesizeFrameAndCreateMovie(folder): 

    # Create an empty movie to receive the frames 
    movie = makeMovie() 

    # Compute & save the frames 
    w = 40 
    h = 25 
    nb_frames = 60  # Will give 60 frames at 30 fps => movie duration : 2 sec. 
    for z in range(0, nb_frames): 
    pic=makeEmptyPicture(w, h) 
    for x in range (0, w): 
     for y in range (0, h): 
     #makeColor() takes red, green, and blue (in that order) between 0 and 255 
     r = random.randint(0, 255) 
     g = random.randint(0, 255) 
     b = random.randint(0, 255) 
     color = makeColor(r,g,b) 
     px = getPixel(pic, x, y) 
     setColor(px, color) 

    # Create one frame and inject in the movie object 
    filename = os.path.join(folder, 'pic%03d.png' % z) 
    writePictureTo(pic, filename) 
    addFrameToMovie(filename, movie) 

    # return the movie 
    return movie 

movie = synthesizeFrameAndCreateMovie("D:\\FOLDER") 
print movie 
#writeQuicktime(movie,"D:\\FOLDER\\movie.mov", 30) 


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import os 
import random 

# Draw point, with check if the point is in the image area 
def drawPoint(pic, col, x, y): 
    if (x >= 0) and (x < getWidth(pic)) and (y >= 0) and (y < getHeight(pic)): 
    px = getPixel(pic, x, y) 
    setColor(px, col) 

# Draw line segment, given two points 
# From Bresenham's line algorithm 
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bresenham%27s_line_algorithm 
def drawLine(pic, col, x0, y0, x1, y1): 

    dx = abs(x1-x0) 
    dy = abs(y1-y0) 
    sx = sy = 0 

    #sx = 1 if x0 < x1 else -1 
    #sy = 1 if y0 < y1 else -1 

    if (x0 < x1): 
    sx = 1 
    sx = -1 
    if (y0 < y1): 
    sy = 1 
    sy = -1 

    err = dx - dy 

    while (True): 

    drawPoint(pic, col, x0, y0) 

    if (x0 == x1) and (y0 == y1): 

    e2 = 2 * err 
    if (e2 > -dy): 
     err = err - dy 
     x0 = x0 + sx 

    if (x0 == x1) and (y0 == y1): 
     drawPoint(pic, col, x0, y0) 

    if (e2 < dx): 
     err = err + dx 
     y0 = y0 + sy 

# Draw infinite line from segment 
def drawInfiniteLine(pic, col, x0, y0, x1, y1): 
    # y = m * x + b 
    m = (y0-y1)/(x0-x1) 
    if (abs(m) > 100.0): 
    m = 100.0 

    # y0 = m * x0 + b => b = y0 - m * x0 
    b = y0 - m * x0 

    x0 = 0 
    y0 = int(m*x0 + b) 
    # get a 2nd point far away from the 1st one 
    x1 = getWidth(pic) 
    y1 = int(m*x1 + b) 

    drawLine(pic, col, x0, y0, x1, y1) 

# Draw infinite line from origin point and angle 
# Angle 'theta' expressed in degres 
def drawInfiniteLineA(pic, col, x, y, theta): 

    # y = m * x + b 
    dx = y * tan(theta * pi/180.0) # (need radians) 
    dy = y 

    if (dx == 0): 
    dx += 0.000000001 # Avoid to divide by zero 

    m = dy/dx 

    # y = m * x + b => b = y - m * x 
    b = y - m * x 

    # get a 2nd point far away from the 1st one 
    x1 = 2 * getWidth(pic) 
    y1 = m*x1 + b 

    drawInfiniteLine(pic, col, x, y, x1, y1) 

def synthesizeFrameAndCreateMovie(folder): 

    # Create an empty movie to receive the frames 
    movie = makeMovie() 

    # Compute & save the frames 
    w = 40 
    h = 25 
    nb_frames = 120  # Will give 120 frames at 30 fps => movie duration : 4 sec. 
    for z in range(0, nb_frames): 
    pic = makeEmptyPicture(w, h) 
    addRectFilled(pic, 0, 0, w-1, h-1) 
    #makeColor() takes red, green, and blue (in that order) between 0 and 255 
    r = random.randint(0, 255) 
    g = random.randint(0, 255) 
    b = random.randint(0, 255) 
    col = makeColor(r,g,b) 
    theta = z * 360/nb_frames 
    if (theta != 180.0) and (theta != 0.0): 
     drawInfiniteLineA(pic, col, w//2, h//2, theta) 

    # Create one frame and inject in the movie object 
    filename = os.path.join(folder, 'pic%03d.png' % z) 
    writePictureTo(pic, filename) 
    addFrameToMovie(filename, movie) 

    # return the movie 
    return movie 

movie = synthesizeFrameAndCreateMovie("/home/FOLDER") 
print movie 
#writeQuicktime(movie,"/home/golgauth/Desktop/FOLDER/movie.mov", 30) 


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'%03d'表示以3位數字編碼的整數:000,001,002,... 100. –


告訴我如果您能夠將電影保存爲文件,因爲我不是。 –


@我編輯了一個更有趣的例子:'帶有旋轉線的動畫'。如果你想嘗試一下;) –



  • 使用'%03d'%x代替if * 3。
  • 將'pic00.png'更改爲'pic001.png',因爲synthesiseFrame中的循環從1開始。
  • '\' - > os.path.join(..);如果沒有,請輸入import os

def synthesiseFrame(folder): 
    m = 0.5 
    for frameNumber in range(1,121): 
    for x in range (0,960): 
     for y in range (0,540): 
     r = #some code 
     g = #some code 
     b = #some code 
     color =makeColor (r,g,b) 
     px= getPixel (pic, x, y) 
     setColor(px, color) 
    m += 0.0125 
    writePictureTo(pic, os.path.join(folder, 'pic%03d.png' % frameNumber)) # 3 if -> no if 
    return movie 

movie = synthesiseFrame(folder) 
folder = r"D:\FOLDER" 
file = r"D:\FOLDER\pic001.png" # 00 -> 001 
writeQuicktime(movie,"D:\FOLDER\movie.mov", 30) 


  • x(外循環) - >frameNumber

您還會返回'synthesiseFrame'中不存在的變量'movie'。除非有效地創建電影,否則此函數不應返回任何內容。 –


我測試了我的代碼:它可以工作...我現在更新我的答案。 –


我弄不明白的最後一件事是如何將它保存在磁盤上。但我可以正確玩。 –