2010-10-07 34 views


public static TOut IfNotNull<TIn, TOut> 
    (this TIn instance, Func<TIn, TOut> func) 
    return instance == null ? default(TOut) : func(instance); 


DateTime? expiration = promo.IfNotNull(p => p.TermsAndConditions.Expiration) 
          .IfNotNull(e => e.Date); 

我一直令人頭大我的大腦試圖找出如何使用C#4 dynamic關鍵字來啓用此語法代替:

DateTime? expiration = promoOffer.TermsAndConditions.Maybe() 





也許我已經得到了錯誤的想法,但不會在?操作員在這裏有用嗎? – spender 2010-10-07 00:41:27


動態變量無法看到我相信的擴展方法。 – 2010-10-07 00:44:59


我個人很喜歡'IfNotNull()'你現在有。由於你不能在擴展方法中使用'dynamic',所以我的感覺是代碼可能最終變得非常可怕。 – 2010-10-07 00:45:11





class DynamicWrapper : DynamicObject { 
    public object Object { get; private set; } 
    public DynamicWrapper(object o) { Object = o; } 
    public override bool TryGetMember(GetMemberBinder binder, out object result) { 
    // Special case to be used at the end to get the actual value 
    if (binder.Name == "Value") result = Object; 
    // Binding on 'null' value - return 'null' 
    else if (Object == null) result = new DynamicWrapper(null); 
    else { 
     // Binding on some value - delegate to the underlying object 
     var getMeth = Object.GetType().GetProperty(binder.Name).GetGetMethod(); 
     result = new DynamicWrapper(getMeth.Invoke(Object, new object[0])); 
    return true; 
    public static dynamic Wrap(object o) { 
    return new DynamicWrapper(o); 


class Product { 
    public Product Another { get; set; } 
    public string Name { get; set; } 

var p1 = new Product { Another = null }; 
var p2 = new Product { Another = new Product { Name = "Foo" } }; 
var p3 = (Product)null; 

// prints '' for p1 and p3 (null value) and 'Foo' for p2 (actual value) 
string name = DynamicWrapper.Wrap(p1).Another.Name.Value; 

請注意,您可以自由鏈上的電話 - 只有一些特殊的開頭(Wrap),並在年底(Value),但在中間,你可以儘可能多地寫.Another.Another.Another...



public static dynamic Maybe(this object target) 
    return new MaybeObject(target); 

private class MaybeObject : DynamicObject 
    private readonly object _target; 

    public MaybeObject(object target) 
     _target = target; 

    public override bool TryGetMember(GetMemberBinder binder, 
             out object result) 
     result = _target != null ? Execute<object>(binder).Maybe() : this; 
     return true; 

    public override bool TryInvokeMember(InvokeMemberBinder binder, 
             object[] args, out object result) 
     if (binder.Name == "Maybe" && 
      binder.ReturnType == typeof (object) && 
      binder.CallInfo.ArgumentCount == 0) 
      // skip extra calls to Maybe 
      result = this; 
      return true; 

     return base.TryInvokeMember(binder, args, out result); 

    public override bool TryConvert(ConvertBinder binder, out object result) 
     if (_target != null) 
      // call Execute with an appropriate return type 
      result = GetType() 
       .GetMethod("Execute", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance) 
       .Invoke(this, new object[] {binder}); 
      result = null; 
     return true; 

    private object Execute<T>(CallSiteBinder binder) 
     var site = CallSite<Func<CallSite, object, T>>.Create(binder); 
     return site.Target(site, _target); 


var promoOffer = new PromoOffer(); 
var expDate = promoOffer.TermsAndConditions.Maybe().Expiration.Maybe().Date; 
Debug.Assert((DateTime?) expDate == null); 

promoOffer.TermsAndConditions = new TermsAndConditions(); 
expDate = promoOffer.TermsAndConditions.Maybe().Expiration.Maybe().Date; 
Debug.Assert((DateTime?) expDate == null); 

promoOffer.TermsAndConditions.Expiration = new Expiration(); 
expDate = promoOffer.TermsAndConditions.Maybe().Expiration.Maybe().Date; 
Debug.Assert((DateTime?) expDate == null); 

promoOffer.TermsAndConditions.Expiration.Date = DateTime.Now; 
expDate = promoOffer.TermsAndConditions.Maybe().Expiration.Maybe().Date; 
Debug.Assert((DateTime?) expDate != null);