2017-08-10 73 views

我想了解更多有關如何ArrayList類型工作時使用自定義類,並遇到一個問題,我不太明白。我有public方法設置在我的類型類中,但在爲我的ArrayList調用它們時無法讓它們工作。下面是類的簡化版本:在一個ArrayList對象中訪問變量 - 類型的類getter不工作

public class ResultsEntry { 

//Create instance private variables count (int) and target (char) 
private Integer count; 
private char target; 

//Create a single constructor with the two values 
public ResultsEntry (Integer count, char target) 
    this.count = count; 
    this.target = target; 

//Public get methods for count and target 
public Integer getCount() 
    return count; 

public char getTarget() 
    return target; 

//Public toString method that returns a string in the format <target, count> 
public String toString() { 
    return ("<" + target + ", " + count + ">"); 


import java.util.ArrayList; 

public class SharedResults { 

//Create private instance variable - results (ArrayList of ResultsEntry type) 

private static ArrayList<ResultsEntry> results = new ArrayList<ResultsEntry>(); 

//A default constructor that initializes the above data structure 
public SharedResults (Integer resultsCount, char resultsTarget) 
    Integer sharedResultsCount = resultsCount; 
    char sharedResultsTarget = resultsTarget; 
    results.add(new ResultsEntry(sharedResultsCount, sharedResultsTarget)); 

* getResult method with no arguments returns sum of the count entry values in the 
* shared results data structure. 
public static Integer getResults() 
    Integer sum = 0; 
    for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) { 
     System.out.println("getResults method input "+ results.(i)); 
     Integer input = results.getCount(i); 
     sum = input + sum; 
     *Some code here that adds new count results to the counts in all 
     *other array elements 
    return sum; 




「我的理解是, ArrayList將繼承類型的類的方法「 - 你的意思是你的'ResultsEntry'類?不,絕對不是。我懷疑你想'results.get(i).getCount()'。 –



你的理解是不正確的。 ArrayList包含ResultsEntry的實例,我相信你想得到ResultsEntry的元素,對於給定的索引i,然後在該實例上調用getCount()。像,

int count = results.get(i).getCount(); 

而且,如果你使用的是Java 8+,你的整個方法可以用一個lambda,地圖和sum一個電話所取代。像

return results.stream().mapToInt(ResultsEntry::getCount).sum(); 


