2013-11-28 35 views

我得到這個typeerror在我的迴應,我不知道,什麼格式store.find('someThread')期望。 這裏是我燼部分:貓鼬&餘燼,記錄被拒絕的原因:typeerror

App.RestAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({ 
    url: 'http://mylocalhost:3000', 
    namespace: 'api', 

    serializer: DS.RESTSerializer.extend({ 
    primaryKey: function(type) { 
     return '_id'; 

App.Store = DS.Store.extend({ 
    revision: 12, 
    adapter: App.RestAdapter 

App.VideoRoute = Ember.Route.extend({ 
    model: function() { 
    console.log("video..", this.store.find('video')); 
    return true; 


exports.list = function(req, res) { 
    Video.find(function(err, videos) { 
    var payload = { video: {name: "sampleName"}}; 
    return res.send(200, JSON.stringify(payload)); 


Class {constructor: function, reason: null, isPending: undefined, isSettled: undefined, isRejected: false…} 
    __ember1385638132476: undefined 
    __ember1385638132476_meta: Meta 
    _super: undefined 
    arrangedContent: (...) 
    content: (...) 
    isRejected: true 
    reason: TypeError 
    message: "Object function() {↵ if (!wasApplied) {↵ (...)" 
    stack: (...) 
    get stack: function() { [native code] } 
    set stack: function() { [native code] } 
    __proto__: Error 
    __proto__: Object 

如果我只是發送一個字符串,我會得到一個響應:`` res.send( 「東西」); 但這只是在responseText和isRejected是真的,所以...



* 這裏是截斷的消息部分:*

"Object function() { 
if (!wasApplied) { 
    Class.proto(); // prepare prototype... 
o_defineProperty(this, GUID_KEY, undefinedDescriptor); 
o_defineProperty(this, '_super', undefinedDescriptor); 
var m = meta(this), proto = m.proto; 
m.proto = this; 
if (initMixins) { 
    // capture locally so we can clear the closed over variable 
    var mixins = initMixins; 
    initMixins = null; 
    this.reopen.apply(this, mixins); 
if (initProperties) { 
    // capture locally so we can clear the closed over variable 
    var props = initProperties; 
    initProperties = null; 

    var concatenatedProperties = this.concatenatedProperties; 

    for (var i = 0, l = props.length; i < l; i++) { 
    var properties = props[i]; 

    Ember.assert("Ember.Object.create no longer supports mixing in other definitions, use createWithMixins instead.", !(properties instanceof Ember.Mixin)); 

    if (properties === null || typeof properties !== 'object') { 
     Ember.assert("Ember.Object.create only accepts objects."); 

    var keyNames = Ember.keys(properties); 
    for (var j = 0, ll = keyNames.length; j < ll; j++) { 
     var keyName = keyNames[j]; 
     if (!properties.hasOwnProperty(keyName)) { continue; } 

     var value = properties[keyName], 

     if (IS_BINDING.test(keyName)) { 
     var bindings = m.bindings; 
     if (!bindings) { 
      bindings = m.bindings = {}; 
     } else if (!m.hasOwnProperty('bindings')) { 
      bindings = m.bindings = o_create(m.bindings); 
     bindings[keyName] = value; 

     var desc = m.descs[keyName]; 

     Ember.assert("Ember.Object.create no longer supports defining computed properties.", !(value instanceof Ember.ComputedProperty)); 
     Ember.assert("Ember.Object.create no longer supports defining methods that call _super.", !(typeof value === 'function' && value.toString().indexOf('._super') !== -1)); 
     Ember.assert("`actions` must be provided at extend time, not at create time, when Ember.ActionHandler is used (i.e. views, controllers & routes).", !((keyName === 'actions') && Ember.ActionHandler.detect(this))); 

     if (concatenatedProperties && indexOf(concatenatedProperties, keyName) >= 0) { 
     var baseValue = this[keyName]; 

     if (baseValue) { 
      if ('function' === typeof baseValue.concat) { 
      value = baseValue.concat(value); 
      } else { 
      value = Ember.makeArray(baseValue).concat(value); 
     } else { 
      value = Ember.makeArray(value); 

     if (desc) { 
     desc.set(this, keyName, value); 
     } else { 
     if (typeof this.setUnknownProperty === 'function' && !(keyName in this)) { 
      this.setUnknownProperty(keyName, value); 
     } else if (MANDATORY_SETTER) { 
      Ember.defineProperty(this, keyName, null, value); // setup mandatory setter 
     } else { 
      this[keyName] = value; 
finishPartial(this, m); 
this.init.apply(this, arguments); 
m.proto = proto; 
sendEvent(this, "init"); 
} has no method 'extract'" 



App.ApplicationAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({ 
    url: 'http://localhost:3000', 
    namespace: 'api', 

    ajax: function(url, type, hash) { 
    var adapter; 
    adapter = this; 
    return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject) { 
    var headers; 
    hash = hash || {}; 
    hash.url = url; 
    hash.type = type; 
    hash.dataType = "json"; 
    hash.context = adapter; 
    if (hash.data && type == "GET") { 
     hash.contentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8"; 
     hash.data = JSON.stringify(hash.data); 
    if (adapter.headers !== undefined) { 
     headers = adapter.headers; 
     hash.beforeSend = function(xhr) { 
     return forEach.call(Ember.keys(headers), function(key) { 
      return xhr.setRequestHeader(key, headers[key]); 
    hash.success = function(json) { 
     console.log("success", hash.data, json); //-> undefined, Object {video: Object} 
     return Ember.run(null, resolve, json); 
    hash.error = function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { 
     return Ember.run(null, reject, adapter.ajaxError(jqXHR)); 
    return Ember.$.ajax(hash); 

能的變化你顯示出現在'message'屬性中的內容。你的堆棧跟蹤顯示它可能被截斷,可能是消息show'「Object function(){if(!wasApplied){↵...沒有方法foo」等。這可能會有所幫助。 –


thx @MárcioRodriguesCorreaJúnior,更新了帖子。我不得不說,我是這個後端的新手。我通常工作沒有燼數據。 – user3045673


什麼是你的餘燼數據版本? –



如果您使用的是餘燼數據1.0.0-β .X版本,你需要聲明你的適配器和串行像下面這樣:

App.ApplicationSerializer = DS.RESTSerializer.extend({ 
    primaryKey: '_id' 

App.ApplicationAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({ 
    url: 'http://mylocalhost:3000', 
    namespace: 'api' 

App.VideoRoute = Ember.Route.extend({ 
    model: function() { 
    console.log("video..", this.store.find('video')); 
    return true; 



thx,我做了更改,但typeerror仍然存在。 – user3045673


什麼是你的燼數據版本? –


你的問題是因爲序列化程序不是正確創建的,而是'serializerInstance.extract',你的設置正在執行'App.MySerializer.extract',這個類沒有這個方法。 –
