2016-03-28 143 views

我試圖創建一個將時間從一個時區轉換爲另一個時區的小方法。我認爲它會很簡單,但當我部署它時,我得到這個錯誤The UTC Offset of the local dateTime parameter does not match the offset argument.我的猜測是,這是因爲服務器不在用戶相同的時區,這是沒有用的,因爲這將來自世界各地使用。DateTimeOffset錯誤:本地dateTime的UTC偏移量與偏移量參數不匹配

public object ConvertDate(DateTime inputTime, string fromOffset, string toZone) 
    var fromTimeOffset = new TimeSpan(0, - int.Parse(fromOffset), 0); 
    var to = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(toZone); 
    var offset = new DateTimeOffset(inputTime, fromTimeOffset); 
    var destination = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(offset, to); 
    return destination.DateTime; 

fromOffset是一個數字,從用戶的時區轉換爲時間跨度和toZone是我們轉換到該區域的名稱。 錯誤發生在這條線上var offset = new DateTimeOffset(inputTime, fromTimeOffset);



什麼是'inputTime,fromTimeOffset'要傳遞 –


爲例樣本值可以是:'inputTime = 28/03/2016 6時09分49秒PM'和'fromTimeOffset = 13hrs' – Toxicable


如果對於C#'DateTime',你會發現自己說「我認爲它會很簡單......」,值得一讀的是Jon Skeet的着名的「DateTime有什麼問題嗎?」關於NodaTime圖書館的誕生的帖子:http://blog.nodatime.org/2011/08/what-wrong-with-datetime-anyway.html – rob3c




ArgumentException: dateTime.Kind equals Local and offset does not equal the offset of the system's local time zone.


public object ConvertDate(DateTime inputTime, string fromOffset, string toZone) 
    // Ensure that the given date and time is not a specific kind. 
    inputTime = DateTime.SpecifyKind(inputTime, DateTimeKind.Unspecified); 

    var fromTimeOffset = new TimeSpan(0, - int.Parse(fromOffset), 0); 
    var to = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(toZone); 
    var offset = new DateTimeOffset(inputTime, fromTimeOffset); 
    var destination = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(offset, to); 
    return destination.DateTime; 

啊,解決它謝謝,我沒有閱讀文檔,但發現它是一個有點難以解釋tbh – Toxicable


這太荒謬了,它使得DateTimeOffsets成爲一場噩夢。如果有人明確地設置了新的DTO上的偏移量,他們是否會意識到我們希望它具有偏移量並允許它?他們是否會意識到,在大多數情況下,原始DateTime.Kind的設置不在我們手中?更糟糕的是,使用當地時間的不斷假設(對不起,這對服務器來說是可怕的)首先使我們處於這種情況下?這是一個令人沮喪的框架決定,會導致很多痛苦。 –



/// <summary> 
    /// Converts a DateTime to a DateTimeOffset, without risking any onerous exceptions 
    /// the framework quite unfortunately throws within the DateTimeOffset constructor, 
    /// such as they do when the source DateTime's Kind is not set to UTC. The best and 
    /// most performant way around this, which we do herein, is to simply construct the 
    /// new DateTimeOffset with the overload that excepts Ticks. Also, we will simply 
    /// return <see cref="DateTimeOffset.MinValue"/> if the source DateTime was 
    /// <see cref="DateTime.MinValue"/>. 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="dt">Source DateTime.</param> 
    /// <param name="offset">Offset</param> 
    public static DateTimeOffset ToDateTimeOffset(this DateTime dt, TimeSpan offset) 
     // adding negative offset to a min-datetime will throw, this is a 
     // sufficient catch. Note however that a DateTime of just a few hours can still throw 
     if (dt == DateTime.MinValue) 
      return DateTimeOffset.MinValue; 

     return new DateTimeOffset(dt.Ticks, offset); 

    public static DateTimeOffset ToDateTimeOffset(this DateTime dt, double offsetInHours = 0) 
     => ToDateTimeOffset(dt, offsetInHours == 0 ? TimeSpan.Zero : TimeSpan.FromHours(offsetInHours));